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OB history; partway through Battle of Thaylen Field
m (History through OB 96)
m (OB history; partway through Battle of Thaylen Field)
=== Windrunner ===
Teft continued to disappear from time to time without explanation of where he was going, though the other members of Bridge Four figured out about his addiction anyway.{{book ref|sa3|35}} Teft was driven to give in to his craving more and more the more money he earned from Dalinar. He at some point spoke the first two [[Order of Windrunners#Ideals of the Windrunners|oaths]] of a Windrunner, hoping it would take away his addiction, but quickly realized that it would not; because of his deep-rooted shame, he then hoped to drive away his spren.{{book ref|sa3|41}} After he missed the first training session when Kaladin borrowed the royal emerald reserve{{book ref|sa3|37}} because he had binged on firemoss the night before, Kaladin and Rock found him in a moss den, paid his tab, and brought him back to the barracks.{{book ref|sa3|41}} After that incident, Teft laid off firemoss use for a while and made sure his behavior seemed more normal to the others. He helped out at recruitment and training events, bringing Lyn over to Kaladin after she drew in Stormlight for the first time{{book ref|sa3|46}} and leading a group of Bridge Four members in aerial exercises.{{book ref|sa3|55}}
After Kaladin left for the expedition to [[Kholinar]], Dalinar delivered the [[honorblade]] Kaladin had recovered from Szeth to Bridge Four. This allowed them, albeit one at a time, to gain and practice with the powers of a Windrunner even without Kaladin's presence.{{book ref|sa3|64}} Teft let Rock take the honorblade first, but during the time they had possession of the sword they randomly switched around who carried it so that no one trying to steal it could know whom to target. [[Navani]]They andcontinued acting as guards to the othersKholins atamong Urithirutheir other duties; [[Navani]] got news of Kholinar's fall and the likely demise of Kaladin's group, but when she informed Bridge Four of the group's trouble, Teft laughed at the suggestion that Kaladin might be dead. They, as representatives of the Radiants, attended the first 'meeting of monarchs' at Urithiru.{{book ref|sa3|96}}
After that incident, Teft laid off firemoss use somewhat and made sure his behavior seemed more normal to the others. When [[Skar]]'s conversation with Lyn at one of the recruitment events helped her to draw in Stormlight, Teft brought her over to Kaladin.{{book ref|sa3|46}} Another time the squires were out training, Teft led a group of Bridge Four members in aerial exercises. When they took a break and Rock began talking about how none of the group felt like they really fit in, a typically grumpy Teft refused to share his feelings like the rest of them were doing.{{book ref|sa3|55}}
During that time, Teft continued to struggle with his addiction. At one point he was arrested and brought before Aladar's magistrates on the charge of public intoxication; Navani used her seal, at Aladar's quiet request, to free him.{{book ref|sa3|104}}
After Kaladin left for the expedition to [[Kholinar]], Dalinar delivered the [[honorblade]] Kaladin had recovered from Szeth to Bridge Four. This allowed them, albeit one at a time, to gain and practice with the powers of a Windrunner even without Kaladin's presence.{{book ref|sa3|64}} Teft let Rock take the honorblade first, but during the time they had possession of the sword they randomly switched around who carried it so that no one trying to steal it could know whom to target. [[Navani]] and the others at Urithiru got news of Kholinar's fall and the likely demise of Kaladin's group, but when she informed Bridge Four of the group's trouble, Teft laughed at the suggestion that Kaladin might be dead. They, as representatives of the Radiants, attended the first 'meeting of monarchs' at Urithiru.{{book ref|sa3|96}}
Teft and some other squires accompanied Dalinar as his guards when he went to [[Thaylen City]] to check on Amaram's progress helping rebuild the city; Teft was irritated enough by Amaram that he wanted to 'stab him a little.' There was another conference of several Rosharan nations in the city, and during the course of the gathering someone leaked information to each group in attendance that was calculated to undermine their trust in Dalinar.{{book ref|sa3|111}} Bridge Four was heavily affected by the news that the first Radiants destroyed their old world before coming to Roshar and that humans were in fact the [[Voidbringers]]; they were dispirited enough to leave Thaylen City for Urithiru to discuss the news with those of their members who hadn't come, leaving Dalinar behind.{{book ref|sa3|113}} Upon their return to Urithiru, Teft's spren appeared to him and alerted him to danger. They discovered Rock and [[Bisig]] injured and unconscious in the barracks while [[Eth]], the one who had the Honorblade that day, was dead. Bisig woke up enough to tell them that the reason they had been taken by surprise was the perpetrator had been wearing a Bridge Four lieutenant's coat. Teft realized that must have been the coat he had sold to afford a little more firemoss, and he ran from the barracks in shame.{{book ref|sa3|i14}}
As Teft ran through Urithiru, trying to find a place to hide, his spren appeared to him again and he tried to run from her too. Accidentally, he ended up in a room that overlooked the Oathgate platforms in time to see an invasion of [[singers]] flooding in from the Kholinar platform.{{book ref|sa3|115}} Teft found a dark place to hide away for a while, trying to ignore the fighting but able to hear the sounds of it.{{book ref|sa3|118}} Hiding there, his spren appeared to him yet again and persuaded him to speak his [[Order of Windrunners#The Third Ideal|Third Oath]].{{book ref|sa3|119}} He appeared in the middle of the [[Battle of Thaylen Field]] on the city's oathgate with a troop of Alethi soldiers and the rest of Bridge Four, whose Windrunner powers were restored thanks to Kaladin's proximity.{{book ref|sa3|120}}
== Notes ==


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