Diferencia entre revisiones de «Nazrilof»

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Though Nazh follows Khriss' commands, he is not blindly obedient; the two get into arguments fairly often.{{wob ref|9565}} When he disagrees with something she does, he will do his own thing, such as giving his knife and information to [[Kelsier]] after Khriss refused to assist the [[Cognitive Shadow]].{{msh ref|3|2}} He's also not above demanding that she compensate him for his losses, or pay him what he's own from the bets between the two of them, and can sometimes make mild fun of her and her pursuit of secrets.{{map ref|Sea of Lost Lights}}{{file ref|Pattern.jpeg|Pattern}}{{file ref|Alethi Glyphs Page 1.jpg|text=Alethi Glyphs}}
== Development ==
|Maybe [Khriss] has somebody who goes and gets the maps and labels them for her with pertinent information. (...) That allowed us to develop a character around that. Brandon said, “Why don’t we have Nazh do this?” to which I agreed, and Brandon said, “Isaac, welcome to the Cosmere.”
|[[Isaac Stewart]]{{wob ref|13743}}
Nazh was created by [[Isaac Stewart]] in response to Brandon asking for an in-universe character who'd be collecting the maps that go into the books; as such, he owns the rights to him.{{wob ref|1504}} He came about accidentally during the writing of ''[[Rithmatist]]''. When discussing the book, Isaac kept mispronouncing [[Nalizar]] as "Nazrilof". Brandon joked that the two were separate characters, with the latter being an alter-ego for Isaac himself, which became an inside joke in the writing group for a while. When the time came to create a map of [[Elendel]] for ''[[The Alloy of Law]]'', however, Brandon and Isaac returned to the idea seriously, and decided to make Nazh Khriss' map-collecting sidekick.{{wob ref|13743}}
There are some plans to create more stories featuring Nazh, including a telling his backstory; so far, the only known detail is that his home town is called Cialanis, or some variation on the spelling.{{wob ref|13011}} When Khriss and Nazh met, and when Nazh left Threnody, has so far been left ambiguous so that Brandon has more liberty with plotting out ''[[The Dust Brigade]]''.{{wob ref|452}} On the other hand, the how of [[Khriss]] and Nazh meeting will be partially revealed in the sequel to ''[[White Sand]]'', if it's ever created. Isaac has also expressed the desire to write a novella focusing on [[Nicelle Sauvage]], featuring Nazh as a major character.{{wob ref|12766}}{{wob ref|13744}}
== Trivia ==
* [[Isaac Stewart]] was the one who created Nazh, in response to Brandon asking for an in-universe character who'd be collecting the maps that go into the books. As such, he owns Nazh as the character.{{wob ref|1504}} He accidentally invented the name by mispronouncing "[[Nalizar]]"; it became an inside joke and seemed fitting for a cosmere-aware character.{{wob ref|12829}}
* Nazh is not the person writing the [[Ars Arcanum|Ars Arcana]]{{wob ref|7026}} (it is in fact [[Khriss]]), or the tattooist who gave the [[Bridge Four|bridgemen]] their tattoos.{{17s ref|post|101708}}
* Brandon has compared Nazh to a "grumpy James Bond".{{wob ref|13587}} Isaac, meanwhile, says he's "basically a young [[wikipedia:Peter Capaldi|Peter Capaldi]]".{{wob ref|9555}}
* Isaac and Brandon have some plans to create stories about Nazh, including revealing his backstory.{{wob ref|12829}} Among others, Isaac intends to write a full novella about [[Nicelle Sauvage]], which would feature him in a major role.{{wob ref|13744}}
* Nazh's accent is meant to sound Scottish.{{wob ref|13011}}
* Nazh's home town is called Cialanis, or some variation on that.{{wob ref|13011}}
* How Nazh and Khriss met will be partially revealed in the sequel to ''[[White Sand]]'', if it is ever created.{{wob ref|12766}}
* Nazh is Isaac's second favourite character in the cosmere, after [[Dalinar]].{{wob ref|13169}}
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