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|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
| Fighting, even this fighting against the Ten Deaths, changes a person.
| RadiantA [[Starfalls Stoneward|Stoneward]] in the Starfalls [[Dalinar's visions|vision]], the only known reference to the Ten Deaths{{book ref|sa1|19}}
The '''Ten Deaths''' areis tenthe formsname ofgiven to an unknown creaturesforce on [[Roshar]], whichthat includeexisted [[Midnightat Essence]].some Theypoint are relatedprior to the [[OdiumDay of Recreance]],. butThey unlikewere otherenemies voidof entities,the they[[Knights canRadiant]] appearand evenincluded outside of athe [[DesolationMidnight Essence]].{{book ref|sa1|19}}
It's uncertain what creatures other than the Midnight Essence classify as Ten Deaths, although [[thunderclast]]s might be among the remaining nine. They are potentially each related to one of the [[Ten Essences]]. It's also possible that "Ten Deaths" is a different name for the [[Unmade]], although considering there are only nine Unmade, this might not be entirely correct.{{wob ref|9580}}
The nature of the Ten Deaths (except the Midnight Essence) is unknown. They likely have magical qualities, since the Radiants believed that fighting the Deaths could change someone and eventually destroy them.{{book ref|sa1|19}} The number ten is highly significant in Rosharan culture (e.g. the ten [[Herald]]s, the [[Ten Essences]], and the [[Ten Fools]]), but how this relates to the Ten Deaths is unknown. The term does not directly correspond to the [[Unmade]], as there are only nine of them.{{wob ref|9580}}
Another possibility, given the scarcity of information and Roshar's focus on the number ten, is that the Ten Deaths aren't specific creatures or types of creatures, but rather a poetic or allegorical name for the [[Voidbringer]]s in general.
Unlike the forces known as the [[Voidbringer]]s, it was possible for the Ten Deaths to attack between [[Desolation]]s. The Knights Radiant that were based in [[Alethela]] saw the Ten Deaths as a primary threat during these periods, and trained to fight against them. It is not clear if the Deaths were actively controlled or influenced by an outside force, although a Radiant mentioned that someone had to "release" the Midnight Essence.{{book ref|sa1|19}}
== Notes ==
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