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== Appearance and Personality ==
{{image|Hurl by Hitori Maron.jpg|side=left|height=250px}}
|A little fear, a little history, those things don’t mean anything. Only what we do means anything.
|{{book ref|sky1|28}}
{{image|Hurl by Hitori Maron.jpg|side=leftright|height=250px300px}}
Hurl has a lean, athletic build, and blonde hair that long enough to wear in a ponytail.{{book ref|sky1|8}} She can be rather messy and is not in the habit of making her bed.{{book ref|sky1|28}} She is also known to snore quite loudly.{{book ref|sky1|29}} Outside of class, Hurl spends a lot of her spare time training, either in the centrifuge, lifting weights, or swimming (of which she is less fond).{{book ref|sky1|28}} She is disappointed that she has yet to throw up in the centrifuge.{{book ref|sky1|28}}
|This isn’t fair, we should be fighting. We’re hardly cadets anymore, and I’m tired of simulations.
|Hurl complaining about being ordered to hold position.{{book ref|sky1|32}}
Hurl is an emotionally open person and wears her heart on her sleeve. She is a confident, eager, and fun-loving.{{book ref|sky1|23}} She is rather competitive and often plays games or makes bets with her flightmates.{{book ref|sky1|28}} She has a very carefree personality and sees life as a game and a joke.{{book ref|sky1|9}} Hurl becomes more solemn following the deaths of [[Bim]] and [[Morningtide]], and struggles to find fun in flying.{{book ref|sky1|20}}{{book ref|sky1|23}}
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