Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:Jarno87/Adolin»

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→‎The True Desolation (1174-): verb tense, clarified vague grammar, added links
m (→‎The Battle of Narak: more verb tenses and grammar changes)
m (→‎The True Desolation (1174-): verb tense, clarified vague grammar, added links)
=== The True Desolation (1174-) ===
==== Exploring Urithiru ====
Adolin took charge of the expeditionexploration of Urithiru, creating maps of the city.{{book ref|sa2|87}} Adolin and Shallan met, and Shallan said she willwould not let her status as a Radiant cause awkwardness between them. They kissed, and Adolin promised to stop being awkward if she stopped being irresistible. When he left, he informed her that Pattern hashad chosen her room and told the guards that no one iswas to disturb her.{{book ref|sa2|88}}
While exploring, Adolin reflected on his relationship with Shallan and how it hashad changed with the revelation that she was a Radiant, which hashad shaken his sense of self. Getting too far ahead of the rest of his party, Adolin investigated some voices he heard and stumbled across Sadeas with a scouting party of his own. Adolin remained hidden until the others have left and tried to sneak away, but his boot scraped the floor, drawing Sadeas's attention. As the two talked, Sadeas revealed his plan to undermine Dalinar by saying the Kholin'sKholins had contacted the Parshendi and the two had put on a convincing show at Narak. Sadeas didn't believe this, but it was the lie he'll would tell others.
[[File:WoR SH - Adolin.jpg|250px|thumb|right|<center><small>by [[User:Botanicaxu]]</small></center> Adolin killing [[Torol Sadeas|Sadeas]] ]]
Adolin asked Sadeas why he was the way he was, and Sadeas told Adolin that an army cannotcould not have two generals and; it had to be him or Dalinar who disappeared. Adolin said it didn't have to be that way, but Sadeas reiterated that it must and that he would take everything Dalinar had. Adolin finally snapedsnapped and attacked Sadeas. The two wrestlewrestled, and Adolin managed to stab Sadeas through the eye and into his brain, killing him. Adolin ditched [[Oathbringer]], which materialized as Sadeas died, out the window and into one of the planters. He cut his bloody cuffs off and erased the chalk marks that indicated he had been in the vicinity. He returned to his scouting party and pretended he had been with them the whole time.{{book ref|sa2|89}}
Adolin supervised the workforce that was unloading goods at Urithiru. They used a huge room, four stories high, to become the new market place. His wrist was still hurting from the [[Battle of Narak]]. He was summoned by his father when Sadeas' body was discovered.{{book ref|sa3|2}} Adolin kept quiet about his involvement and was put in charge of training the Alethi armies. Shortly after, he attended Dalinar's wedding.{{book ref|sa3|4}} Adolin was very disturbed when a second murder happened in exactly the same way as Sadeas' a few days later. Dalinar then put him in charge of the investigation of both murders.{{book ref|sa3|9}}
The Kholin cavalry arewere housed on the ground floor of Urithiru with an outside field for [[Gallant]], Dalinar's Ryshadium. Adolin went to visit the horse and talked with him, as Dalinar hadn't been giving hismuch attention to his mount. Adolin reminisced about the good times he had with Sureblood, as he was still mourning the loss of his own Ryshadium. At that moment, Renarin came by looking for Adolin. Renarin explained how he wanted to give his Shards back to Adolin, as the sword screamed when he touched it. The Kholin brothers talked about Renarin's emerging Radiant powers. Renarin expressed his fear that he would hurt someone, which Adolin dismissed. In response, Renarin healed Adolin's wrist.{{book ref|sa3|10}}
A little time later, Adolin visited Shallan in her room, bringing food. She was still in her underwear and had her safehand uncovered, as she was recovering from her 'scouting' party and had slept in. After some commotion, Shallan let Adolin into her room and formally introduced Pattern to him. They had a lengthy and flirty talk while Pattern acted as chaperone.{{book ref|sa3|13}} They discussed the murders Adolin was set to investigate, and Adolin offered Shallan to teach herShallan how to use her Shardblade.{{book ref|sa3|15}}
At his next visit to Shallan, Adolin waited outside until he could enter. He quickly noticed the jug of Horneater white and wondered what Shallan had been up to. While they walked to Ialai Sadeasspeak to speakIalai Sadeas about the murders, Adolin advised Shallan to find a purpose for her 'honor' guards. It turned out that, Ialai had no useful information, but she pointed Adolin to the Kholin troops. She asked him to send a report of his findings to her own investigator, Meridas Amaram.{{book ref|sa2|22}}
Adolin attended a big conference with Dalinar, Kaladin, Elokhar, the highprinces, and other dignitaries. When Ialai entered and named Amaram the regent to the Sadeas princedom, Adolin got very angry. Dalinar sent Adolin away, and Shallan followed him. During the conversation that followed, Adolin revealed to Shallan that it was Kaladin who killed her brother [[Helaran]].{{book ref|sa3|27}}
==== The Midnight Mother ====
When Shallan discovered where [[Re-Shephir]] was hiding in Urithiru, she had Pattern find Adolin to accompany her. Adolin gathered a group of Bridge Four soldiers, including his brother Renarin, and led them down into the tower. When they came to a locked metal door, Adolin used his Shardblade to cut the lock and findgrant entry to a library filled with decayed books. Adolin ordered his men to retreat when they found Re-Shephir, standing at the front with Renarin to fight her. Initially he tried to convince Shallan to run away, but he trusted her judgement when she claimed to understand the spren and wanted to fight it. Adolin led the charge against Re-Shephir trusting that Shallan could defeat her.{{book ref|sa3|29}} After the battle, Adolin tried to convince Shallan to rest.{{book ref|sa3|32}}
==== Siege of Kholinar ====
{{for|Siege of Kholinar}}
Kaladin flew the small expedition to [[Kholinar]], including Elhokar, Shallan and Adolin to [[Kholinar]]. Adolin supported Kaladin when he advised the king to approach the city with caution. The team landed outside the city and approachesapproached the city using lightwoven disguises. The Wall Guard was not letting anyone in, but the team used a moment of distraction to sneak in. Adolin leadled the team to his suggested hide out: [[Yokska|his tailor]]'s house.{{book ref|sa3|61}} Adolin and Elhokar attended several parties to contact the remaining local lighteyes and gain the support of their private house guards. When Kaladin was infiltrating the Wall Guard, Adolin acted as his handler, signaling to Kaladin to continue undercover.{{book ref|sa3|73}} During the next highstorm, Adolin, Shallan, and Kaladin sheltered in a wine-house where they planned their next moves. Afterwards, Shallan and Adolin shared an intimate moment, and he got to browse through her sketchbook.{{book ref|sa3|77}}
After all their reconnaissance, the group decided their only option iswas to storm the palace with the help of the Wall Guard and private house guards. While preparing for the assault, Adolin talked again to his sword about how he needed her, and how she used to be alive, and his intention to use her for something good thisthat day. Adolin, Azure, and Elhokar leadled the charge on the front steps of the palace and used their Shardblades to cut open the doors into the palace. When alerted by an officer, Adolin found and freed the remaining loyal Palace Guard troops, who were locked up. After they secured the eastern gallery, Adolin leadled the group that cleared the way for Shallan towards the Oathgate platform.{{book ref|sa3|83}} After [[Ashertmarn]] fled, Adolin left Shallan to open the Oathgate, and went to the Sunwalk with Skar and Drehy to rescue Kaladin and Elhokar; they arrived after Elhokar's death, but were able to save Kaladin.{{book ref|sa3|84}} As he returned to the Oathgate, he got a good look at Kholinar, realized that the city&mdash;his home&mdash;was lost, and ordered a retreat. When Shallan told him that the Oathgate was trappeda trap, Adolin realized they had no other options and ordered her to engage it anyway,{{book ref|sa3|85}} resulting in them being transported to [[Shadesmar]].{{book ref|sa3|87}}
==== Trip through Shadesmar ====
Adolin, Shallan, Kaladin, Azure, Syl, Pattern, and the deadeye representing Adolin's sword found themselves in Shadesmar.{{book ref|sa3|87}} Shallan used a lot of Stormlight to create makeshift platforms in the bead ocean to get the group to the land representing the river near Kholinar in the [[Physical Realm]]. Adolin felt useless, as he had no skills to help the group.{{book ref|sa3|89}} The next morning, Adolin woke up and started a morning kata, which Kaladin and Azure both joined.{{book ref|sa3|93}} They followed the peninsula to the lighthouse at the end, from where they caught a ship sailed by [[Reachers]] to [[Celebrant]].{{book ref|sa3|97}} Just before disembarking in Celebrant, Adolin had a conversation with Azure about duty, royalty, and Azure's view that sometimes the best way to do your duty is to let someone else carry it.{{book ref|sa3|101}}
The group split in Celebrant; Adolin went with Kaladin and Syl to change money and buy supplies. The group soon discovered that the city was under the control of the Fused. They narrowly escaped when Syl surrendered herself to a ship of honorspren.{{book ref|sa3|102}} The honorspren sailed south-westsouthwest, letting the group move freely on deck exceptwith the exception of Syl, who was kept captive. During the trip, Adolin had a long talk with Shallan, and they both revealed some of their secrets; Adolin confessed to her that he was the one who had killed Sadeas, and Shallan talked about her problems with her other identities. Shortly thereafter, they spotedspotted eight Fused in pursuit of the ship.{{book ref|sa3|108}} They were close to [[Longbrow's Straits]], here a land area, with Thaylen City on the other side. Using the bead of a room, Adolin, Shallan, Kaladin, and their spren snuck into the bead ocean while the honorspren and Azure held off the Fused. The group had an exhausting hike across the land to get to the Thaylen City Oathgate, only to find it guarded.{{book ref|sa3|110}}{{book ref|sa3|112}}
The group attacked the Oathgate in an attempt to get back to the Physical Realm.{{book ref|sa3|115}} Adolin lead Pattern, Syl, Maya, and twenty of Shallan's illusions to distract two of the guarding Fused. He acted randomly to blend in with the illusions, but one of the Fused spotted him anyway. Adolin fought the Fused and got rammed through by a lance to the stomach. He only survived because Maya suddenly attacked the Fused, allowing Adolin to flee.{{book ref|sa3|117}} Dalinar then opened [[Honor's Perpendicularity]], allowing Adolin, along with Shallan and Kaladin, to return to the Physical Realm.{{book ref|sa3|119}}
==== Battle of Thaylen Field and Aftermath ====
|Adolin hearing [[Maya]] for the first time{{book ref|sa3|120}}
After heAdolin stepped through Honor's Perpendicularity, Renarin healed Adolin'shis wound.{{book ref|sa3|119}} Not having gotten a specific task from Dalinar, Adolin decided to try and help the soldiers within the city. He teamed up with [[Kdralk]] to free Navani on the wall and informed her of Elhokar's death. He helped organize the city's resistance, then went to go help fight the [[thunderclast]]s. During the fight he heard [[Maya]] speak to him, telling him her name and her approval of his actions. Adolin stopped to rescue a boy in a building during the fight. [[Hrdalm]] found him and helped distract the thunderclast by taking hits with his Shardplate. The thunderclast nearly killed him, but he managed to summon Maya in seven heartbeats instead of the usual ten, saving his life. Renarin found Adolin, healed him again, and forced him to leave because he didn't have Plate, so; Adolin gave Maya to Hrdalm to temporarily to use instead.{{book ref|sa3|120}} After the battle, he found Shallan to make sure she was all right. She was, and he offered to step aside for Shallan and Kaladin to be together. Shallan said she was choosing him instead. She told him she could be anyone for him, but Adolin replied insistently he didn't want anyone,: he wanted Shallan.{{book ref|sa3|121}}
Soon after the battle, Dalinar approached Adolin about becoming king of Alethkar, with Gavinor named as his heir. He refused and admitted to Sadeas' murder, though he did agree to become the new Kholin highprince. Adolin and Shallan decided to quickly get married, which they did shortly after.{{book ref|sa3|122}}


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