Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:Jarno87/Adolin»

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Trim the summary of WoK28, still on the long side but at least not as huge any more.
(A bit more trimming.)
(Trim the summary of WoK28, still on the long side but at least not as huge any more.)
Dalinar and Adolin spoke to one another some days later when Dalinar called for the army to mobilize for a plateau skirmish. Adolin apologized for where and how he said his grievances to his father, though he was not sorry for voicing them. Just as they were about to set off, Sadeas demanded admittance to the war camp. Dalinar allowed him to accompany the plateau run to conduct the investigation, while Adolin was very suspicious of Sadeas intent.{{book ref|sa1|26}} Adolin, along with Dalinar lead the charge against the Parshendi. During the battle, when the [[Thrill]] left Dalinar, Adolin was quick to help and protect his father. When the battle was won Adolin harvested the [[gemheart]].{{book ref|sa1|26}}
Later, Adolin and his father inspected the army., Adolinwhile wasdiscussing woryingseveral abouttopics Dalinar,like whothe waspurpose beginningof toPlate, appearthe moreThrill, fragilethe andfaith distressedof the war camps, causingand Dalinarthe togemhearth becomeeconomy. detachedDuring andthe coldconversation, withAdolin otherwas people.worried Asabout theyhis movedfather alongstate Dalinarof askedmind. AdolinAt whysomepoint therehe aregot nodistracted shardplate-likeand suitstought forabout workmen,Malasha markingand the factnew aswoman justhe anotherwas condemnationinterested ofin the[[Danlan RadiantsMorakotha]]. Then Dalinar askedmade Adolin ifinspect hethe feelsFifth theBattalion Thrill.for Thishim, startledand Adolinafterwards ashis thefather bloodpraised lusthim isfor nothis usuallyleadership. discussedThey butwent heon acknowledgedto interview the men that hewere does.investigated Adolinby wonderedSadeas. ifThe everyonemen doesdirectly andmade heclear noticedthey theare painloyal into hisKholin fatherand didn'st silenttell anything to eyesSadeas. Adolin wishednoted forthat hisif fatherthey tohad returnacted tothis hisway confidentaround selfSadeas, it would have seemed incriminating. {{book ref|sa1|28}}
After the interview, Adolin confrontsconfronted Dalinar about how he hashad been pushing him into a leadership position overduring the courseday. ofIn the day.response, Dalinar remindsreminded Adolin of his comments earlier in the week pertaining to his mental health. HeMoreover, informsDalinar Adolin thattold he haswad a difficult decision to make and when Adolin asks if he can help at all Dalinar discloses that he already has. It is atAt that moment when, they arewere informed that Highprince [[Thanadal]] hashad cancelled their impending meeting, and has no intention of running a joint plateau assault with the Kholin army. Thanadal waswhowas the last of the Highprincesone Dalinar washad to approach, asides fromexcept Sadeas. AdolinThanadal adviseshad thatno itintention wouldof not be wise to approach Sadeas aboutrunning a joint plateau assault., from which Dalinar surmises thatinferred the other Highprinces are trying to tell him that they have never liked thehis influence over the king. andThey theywould arerather readywait and waitingsee to watch himDalinar fall., Theythan will not allowlet him to regain his footing. Dalinar then leavesleft the rest of the inspections for Adolin to complete.{{book ref|sa1|28}}
As they continued on their inspections, Adolin allowed his mind to wander, thinking about Malasha and a new woman who has caught his interest: [[Danlan Morakotha]]. They talked about the good things Dalinar did, such as paying partly for [[Darkeyes|darkeyed]] soldiers' families to come here, and about the faith of the camps when the armies leave. Dalinar continued, wondering what would happen to the value of gemhearts if they kept capturing them at the rate they were. Dalinar told that they needed to consider these things, with Adolin left wondering what his father meant.{{book ref|sa1|28}}
In the evening, before their talk with [[Jasnah]], asksAdolin tried to talk to his father, but Dalinar isn't ready to discuss. Adolin then introduced Dalinar and Navani to Danlan, who he had helped get a position as one of Dalinar's clerks. Dalinar expressed incredulity that Adolin had a new woman calling on him even though she had only been in camp for a day. Jasnah asked Dalinar about his dealings with the Parshendi and inquiresinquired if they had ever mentioned the [[Voidbringers]]., Whenwhich Dalinar saysdenied. noIn response, Jasnah getsgot [[Shallan]] to draw the picture they found in the [[Palanaeum]]., which Adolin identifiesidentified it as a chasmfiend, or someone's attempt at drawing one because it is not wholly accurate but close enough to be recognisable. Jasnah notesnoted that she doesdid not believe the chasmfiends and the Voidbringers are the same thing and thewhomever ancient who drewmade the picture probably drew the most terrifying thing they could think of. Dalinar asksasked for her to return, hintingand hinted that there willwould be an upheaval soon in their family, but Jasnah cannotcould not promise when she willwould arrive. With the conversation finished, Dalinar dismissesdismissed his clerks and Adolin, the latter of who hesitates but does leave when pressed. Dalinar then confidesconfided in Navani that he iswas going to abdicate in favourfavor of Adolin.{{book ref|sa1|28}}
Dalinar makes Adolin inspect of the Fifth Battalion for him. When he is finished his father tells him he has learned well though Adolin believes Dalinar is reading too much into a simple inspection. When they interview the men Sadeas investigated the other day his father makes Adolin take the lead in the questioning. The men reveal that Sadeas—who they all agree is an eel—asked them what their duties around camp were. They tell Adolin that they revealed nothing to Sadeas, or at least nothing that would get House Kholin in trouble. Adolin notes that if they acted this way around Sadeas it would seem more incriminating than if they had cut the girth themselves. The men tell them that they didn't notice any tampering with the king's saddle but that no one was exactly looking for it either. When they leave Adolin and Dalinar agree that while the men are loyal they may have made matters more difficult for them.{{book ref|sa1|28}}
Adolin confronts Dalinar about how he has been pushing him into leadership position over the course of the day. Dalinar reminds Adolin of his comments earlier in the week pertaining to his mental health. He informs Adolin that he has a difficult decision to make and when Adolin asks if he can help at all Dalinar discloses that he already has. It is at that moment when they are informed that Highprince [[Thanadal]] has cancelled their impending meeting and has no intention of running a joint plateau assault with the Kholin army. Thanadal was the last of the Highprinces Dalinar was to approach, asides from Sadeas. Adolin advises that it would not be wise to approach Sadeas about a joint plateau assault. Dalinar surmises that the other Highprinces are trying to tell him that they have never liked the influence over the king and they are ready and waiting to watch him fall. They will not allow him to regain his footing. Dalinar then leaves the rest of the inspections for Adolin to complete.{{book ref|sa1|28}}
In the evening, when they convene to talk with [[Jasnah]] via [[spanreed]] Adolin attempts to talk to his father but Dalinar says he isn't ready to discuss things. Adolin begrudgingly lets the topic drop and introduces Dalinar and Navani to Danlan, who he has helped get a position amongst Dalinar's clerks. Dalinar expresses incredulity that Adolin has a new woman calling on him even though she has only been in camp for a day.{{book ref|sa1|28}}
Jasnah asks Dalinar about his dealings with the Parshendi and inquires if they ever mentioned the [[Voidbringers]]. When Dalinar says no Jasnah gets [[Shallan]] to draw the picture they found in the [[Palanaeum]]. Adolin identifies it as a chasmfiend, or someone's attempt at drawing one because it is not wholly accurate but close enough to be recognisable. Jasnah notes that she does not believe the chasmfiends and the Voidbringers are the same thing and the ancient who drew the picture probably drew the most terrifying thing they could think of. Dalinar asks for her to return, hinting that there will be an upheaval soon in their family, but Jasnah cannot promise when she will arrive. With the conversation finished Dalinar dismisses his clerks and Adolin, the latter of who hesitates but does leave when pressed. Dalinar then confides in Navani that he is going to abdicate in favour of Adolin.{{book ref|sa1|28}}
==== A Chance Encounter ====


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