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Shorten the chasmfiend hunt and made it past tense
(copy Adolin's page, to try a trim/polish of the history section)
(Shorten the chasmfiend hunt and made it past tense)
=== War of Reckoning (1167-1174) ===
==== The Chasmfiend Hunt ====
Adolin and his brother Renarin accompanyaccompanied King [[Elhokar]] and the Highprinces Dalinar, [[Torol Sadeas|Sadeas]] and [[Vamah]] on a chasmfiend hunt and Adolin spendsspend the early part of the trip worrying about the state of his father's mind and his reputation. He worriesworried that Sadeas willwould make a move against his father now that Dalinar iswas appearing weak to the eyes of Alethi society. Adolin hashad been given effective command of the Kholin army by his father and restrictions havehad been placed on his dueling as per the [[Alethi Codes of War]]. To make matters worse Dalinar revealsrevealed he is considering leaving the Shattered Plains, a plan Adolin knows will ruin his father's reputation. {{book ref|sa1|12}}
When the [[chasmfiend]] appearsappeared on the wrong plateau, threatening unarmed attendants, guests and scribes, Adolin helpshelped his father and Elhokar kill it. During the fight, Adolin iswas momentarily awed by seeing his father display the prowess that earned him the title of [[Blackthorn]].{{book ref|sa1|13}} Afterwards Adolin overseesoversaw the cleanup, happy to be doing something, while the other lighteyes on the trip relaxrelaxed leisurely. When Sadeas insultsinsulted his father, Adolin iswas quick to defend him, though his manner in doing so iswas brash and leadslead to a rebuke from his father and a gentle restraint from Renarin. Sadeas then turnsturned his attention to his brother and Adolin nearly summonssummoned his Shardblade but stopsstoped when he is ordered to by Dalinar.{{book ref|sa1|15}}
Later Dalinar takestook Adolin aside to inspect the king's saddle as Elhokar had requested of them. Adolin quickly realisesrealized that Elhokar believes the girth was cut deliberately and pointspointed out his cousin's worsening paranoia. Adolin expresses his annoyance about the factand that he and his father seem to have become Elhokar's bodyguards to his annoyance. Despite the misgivings, both he and Dalinar agree that if the girth was cut there may be plot to kill the king as Alethi lighteyes are fond of their overly complicated plots. Dalinar assigned Adolin the task to investigate this further. Adolin wonderswondered if Sadeas may be behind it but Dalinar shuts down the suggestion and showsshowed Adolin that though they and Sadeas both have invested interest and desire to keep Elhokar safe and will work together to manipulate other highprinces for the King's benefit. Dalinar then revealsrevealed [[Gavilar]]'s final words. Adolin connectsconnected this to his father's presumed delusions and assumesassumed they are a product of guilt over Gavilar's death. Dalinar hopeshoped Adolin willwould learn to see the importance of the Codes. He then asksasked Adolin to at least respect Sadeas. Adolin reluctantly agrees but reiterates that he does not trust the other highprinceagreed and requests thatat his fatherinsistnace atDalinar leastagreed to consider that Sadeas is not as committed to Elhokar as he is and maymight be playing him. Dalinar says he will consider Adolin's concernsthem.{{book ref|sa1|15}}
Elhokar later queriesqueried them about their opinions on the strap. When Dalinar tellstold him that while it may have been cut there is no definitive proof the king insistsinsisted that there iswas a plot to kill him and that perhaps someone on the hunt had planned it. Adolin catchescaught the king giving them a suspicious look and when Elhokar leavesleft he asksasked his father if he saw it too. Dalinar cutscut him off and tellstold Adolin he will talk to Elhokar about it later and gives his son the task of looking into the cut girth further. When the bridges finally arrivearrived, Adolin resumesresumed control of the army, directing its movements back towards the camps.{{book ref|sa1|15}}
==== The Investigation ====


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