Diferencia entre revisiones de «Orden de los Tejedores de Luz»

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== Ideals of the Lightweavers ==
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|[[Malchin]] was stymied, for though he was inferior to none in the arts of war, he was not suitable for the Lightweavers; he wished for his oaths to be elementary and straightforward, and yet their spren were liberal, as to our comprehension, in definitions pertaining to this matter; the process included speaking truths as an approach to a threshold of self-awareness that Malchin could never attain.
|[[Words of Radiance (in-world)|''Words of Radiance'']], chapter 12, page 12{{epigraph ref|sa2|57}}
The Ideals of the Knights Radiant, also known as the [[Immortal Words]], are a set of rules by which the Radiants live. The First Ideal is shared by all of the orders, and is used as a motto for the Knights Radiant as a whole. Each of the orders then has an additional four Ideals that are unique to that order.{{book ref|sa1|59}} The Ideals of the Order of Lightweavers are very different from those of the other orders. Instead of swearing oaths centered around a specific theme, Lightweavers instead speak individual truths about themselves. Some have theorized that Lightweavers' progression is tied to truth like this because their actions frequently blur the line between truth and lies and they need to learn to distinguish the two. It has also been posited that their more flexible Ideals are because they are closer to [[Cultivation]] than [[Honor]].{{wob ref|13777}}
