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== Geography ==
The Sea of Lost Lights lies in the region of Shadesmar corresponding to the [[Physical Realm|Physical]] nations of [[Alethkar]], [[Jah Keved]], and [[Herdaz]], as well as the [[Frostlands]], [[Unclaimed Hills]], and [[Thaylenah]].{{map ref|Roshar}}{{map ref|Sea of Lost Lights}} To the west, it flows into the [[Sea of Souls]]; to the east, it reaches the shores of the [[Expanse of the Broken Sky]] and [[Expanse of the Vapors]].{{map ref|Shadesmar}} A stretch of land separates it from [[Thaylen Sea]], the Cognitive representation of the island of [[Thaylenah]].{{map ref|Sea of Lost Lights}}
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{| class="wikitable" style="float:right; margin-left:10px; margin-right:10px;"
{{row| Topographical Features | pre=! colspan=3 style="background:#CCCCFF; font-weight:bold; text-align:center" {{!}} }}
{{row| Name | Type of Landform | Relative Physical Realm Location{{map ref|Sea of Lost Lights}}{{map ref|Alethkar}} | pre=! style="font-weight: bold;" {{!}} }}
|[[Sea of Oracles]]
* [[Sea of Oracles]] (northern|Northern [[Alethkar]] and [[Jah Keved]])
* |[[Salavashi Trench]] ([[Sunmaker Mountains]])
|[[Sunmaker Mountains]]
|[[Glasswater Deep]]
* [[Glasswater Deep]] (south|South [[Alethkar]]/ western [[Frostlands]])
* |[[Luminous Shallows]] (southern Frostlands)
|Southern [[Frostlands]]
* |[[Smolderbrand Channel]]
|Eastern border of [[Alethkar]]/[[Eastern Crownlands]]
* |[[North Hallen Channel]]
|[[Eastern Crownlands]]
* |[[South Hallen Channel]]
|[[Unclaimed Hills]]
* |[[Celebrant Channel]]
|Border of [[Sebarial princedom|Sebarial Princedom]] and [[Eastern Crownlands]]
* |[[Emberdark Channel]]
|Border of [[Sebarial princedom|Sebarial Princedom]] and [[Eastern Crownlands]]
* |[[Nor Channel]]
|Border of [[Bethab princedom|Bethab]] and [[Sebarial princedom|Sebarial Princedom]]s
=== Topographical Features ===
Like all "seas" in Shadesmar, the Sea of Lost Lights isn't filled with water, but rather small beads that represent the various [[Cognitive Realm|Cognitive]] aspects of physical objects.{{book ref|sa3|89}} There are no winds in Shadesmar, and the only known weather phenomenas are the highstorm and the strips of clouds common to the subastral.{{book ref|sa3|97}} Nonetheless, the sea roils and the beads constantly move and clack against each other.{{book ref|sa3|93}}
The Sea of Lost Lights has numerous peninsulas, corresponding to Physical rivers, and several small islands, equivalent to lakes.{{map ref|Sea of Lost Lights}} The land is made from a material akin to dark glass or obsidian.{{book ref|sa3|89}} CanalChannel's are occasionally cut through the peninsulas to make sea travel easier.{{book ref|sa3|108}} Many of these channel's are cut through the peninsulas that represent the [[Deathbend River]].{{map ref|Alethkar}}
The Sea is divided into several sections, most notably:{{map ref|Sea of Lost Lights}}{{map ref|Alethkar}}
* [[Sea of Oracles]] (northern [[Alethkar]] and [[Jah Keved]])
* [[Salavashi Trench]] ([[Sunmaker Mountains]])
* [[Glasswater Deep]] (south [[Alethkar]]/ western [[Frostlands]])
* [[Luminous Shallows]] (southern Frostlands)
=== Ecology ===
The Sea of Lost Lights has numerous peninsulas, corresponding to Physical rivers, and several small islands, equivalent to lakes.{{map ref|Sea of Lost Lights}} The land is made from a material akin to dark glass or obsidian.{{book ref|sa3|89}} Canal's are occasionally cut through the peninsulas to make sea travel easier.{{book ref|sa3|108}}
There is a variety of plant life in Shadesmar, which, like in the Physical Realm, appears to differ based on region. In the northern section of the Sea of Lost Lights, fernlike plants and mushroom trees can be found growing along the peninsula shorelines that reflect rivers in Alethkar.{{book ref|sa3|95}}{{cite|internal wiki/Livestream 12}} Further south, a jungle made of black trees with multicolored leaves, red trees that end in minerals, and moss, can be found on the island representing the [[Longbrow's Straits]].{{book ref|sa3|110}} Along the southern edge of the Sea of Lost Lights, there are crystal trees with spikey limbs and no leaves.{{book ref|sa2|9}}
Many peninsulas, most notably those that represent the Deathbend River and its tributaries, are referred to as channels.{{map ref|Alethkar}} They are:
* [[Smolderbrand Channel]]
* [[North Hallen Channel]]
* [[Celebrant Channel]]
* [[Emberdark Channel]]
* [[South Hallen Channel]]
* [[Nor Channel]]
ThereA isfairly asizeable varietypopulation of plantnon-sapient life[[spren]] inthat Shadesmar,live which can be found growing alongwithin the banksocean of the peninsulasbeads.{{book ref|sa3|89}}{{book ref|sa3|95}}{{book ref|sa3|97}}
There is also a fairly sizable population of non-sapient spren that live within the ocean of beads.{{book ref|sa3|89}}{{book ref|sa3|95}}{{book ref|sa3|97}}
=== Notable locationsLocations ===
SprenTrue spren live in a number of cities and other settlements within Shadesmar. The Sea of Lost Lights includes the following settlements;
* [[Celebrant]]
* [[Candlemore]]
At the beginning of the [[True Desolation]], many cities in the Sea of Lost Lights were taken over by the [[Fused]], although they ruled rather lightly, save for occasionally setting things on fire.{{book ref|sa3|102}}
After being transported to Shadesmar through the corrupted [[Kholinar]] [[Oathgate]], [[Shallan]], [[Kaladin]], and their spren, as well as [[Adolin]] and [[Azure]], got trapped in the Sea of Lost Lights.{{book ref|sa3|89}} They traveled to [[Riino]]'s lighthouse]], where they managed to find passage to [[Celebrant]] on a ship crewed by [[Reacher]]s and pulled by [[Mandramandra]]s.{{book ref|sa3|99}} There, they were chased by the Fused and ended up taking refuge on the honorspren ship ''[[Honor's Path]]'',.{{book whichref|sa3|102}} eventuallyWhen ferriedthe themFused towere seen chasing the shoreship, to the narrowhumans peninsulaand separatingtheir itspren fromescaped, before traveling over the island that represented [[Longbrow's Straits]] to reach [[Thaylen SeaCity]].{{book ref|sa3|102110}}{{book ref|sa3|110112}}
== Notes ==
Synod, Editors, Keepers


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