Diferencia entre revisiones de «Celebrant»

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242 bytes añadidos ,  hace 4 años
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(going to demote this back to partial, there are some small details missing at the moment and it could use some stylistic updates)
Etiqueta: status-change
== Landmarks ==
Celebrant is organized in a similar fashion to that of a human city, though not as densely populated, with a market and docks. There are towers in the center of the city used to tell the time by a set of fires that burn in vertical holes. The buildings are each constructed of a variety of materials, like differently colored bricks or different types of stone. These materials may be manifested from physical objects.{{book ref|sa3|102}}
The city keeps a store of sand that can be used to put out fires when required.{{book ref|sa3|102}} Due to Shadesmar's lack of water, this may be the main purpose of such a store.
The docks are longer than the city itself, to accommodate for its status as a trading hub. Ships are made to berth along stone piers, where braces beneath the sea of spheres support the vessels after their [[mandras]] have been taken away. Rows of long warehouses mark the shore along the docks, obscuring a view of the city.{{book ref|sa3|101}}
The dock registrar, housed in a blue-painted building, keepsis recordsrun by a cultivationspren who manages inspections as well as keeping record of docked ships and their travelstravel and manages inspectionsarrangements. Although they keep track of which ships take passengers, they do not record which ships are friendly to humans and will offer them travel. Humans looking for sea passage must speak to ships individually to enquire whether they have suitable accomodations.{{book ref|sa3|101}} Ship inspections are performed at first hour everyday and normally only take thirteen minutes.{{book ref|sa3|102}}
Adjacent moneychanger, [[Stormlight]] can be traded for notes of exchange.{{book ref|sa3|101}}
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