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(→‎Market: +wob)
== Landmarks ==
Celebrant is organized in a similar fashion to that of a human city, though not as densely populated, with a market and docks. There are towers in the center of the city used to tell the time by a set of fires that burn in vertical holes. The buildings are each constructed of a variety of materials, like differently colored bricks or different types of stone. These materials may be manifested from physical objects.{{book ref|sa3|102}}
The docks are longer than the city itself, to accommodate for its status as a trading hub. Ships are made to berth along stone piers, where braces beneath the sea of spheres support the vessels after their [[mandras]] have been taken away. Rows of long warehouses mark the shore along the docks, obscuring a view of the city.{{book ref|sa3|101}} The dock registrar, housed in a blue-painted building, keeps records of ships and their travels and manages inspections. At the adjacent moneychanger, [[Stormlight]] can be traded for notes of exchange.{{book ref|sa3|101}}
The dock registrar, housed in a blue-painted building, keeps records of ships and their travels and manages inspections. Although they keep track of which ships take passengers, they do not record which ships are friendly to humans and will offer them travel. Humans looking for sea passage must speak to ships individually to enquire whether they have suitable accomodations.{{book ref|sa3|101}}
Adjacent moneychanger, [[Stormlight]] can be traded for notes of exchange.{{book ref|sa3|101}}
The market is comprised mostly of open stalls with goods piled on tables. There are stalls that sell clothing, building materials, weapons, food, and art. The prices, based largely on the item's permanence in Shadesmar, differ greatly from those of items in the Physical Realm. Most food is typically sold in cans. One art store offers artwork for sale from places as far off as [[Nalthis]].{{book ref|sa3|102}} Another store has an incredibly expensive silver chain that comes from [[Threnody]].{{book ref|sa3|102}}{{wob ref|12843}} Haggling appears to be acceptable within the Celebrant marketplace.{{book ref|sa3|102}}
== History ==
== Culture ==
Celebrant is a melting pot of [[spren]], with many different kinds of true spren living within the city. These, includeincluding [[cultivationspren]], [[ashspren]], [[Reacher]]s, [[inkspren]], and [[Cryptic]]s. There are also spren with skin that looks like stone with molten light shining from within and a spren made out of smoke. Spren children can be found in the city, but are rare.{{book ref|sa3|102}} Humans and honorspren are very rare and tend to draw attention. Some spren that can be found in Celebrant are overly hostile towards humans.{{book ref|sa3|102}}
Fashion among the spren is eclectic--drawing from human styles across all of Roshar.{{book ref|sa3|102}}
=== Economy ===
Like all of Shadesmar, Celebrant uses Stormlight for currency. Due to Stormlight fading quickly while in the Cognitive Realm, Celebrant employs moneylenders who will exchange notes for renewed spheres. The Stormlight is then transferred to perfect gemstones where it will remain indefinitely without fading.{{book ref|sa3|99}}
== Politics ==
*''[[Oathbringer]]'' chapter 102 is titled "Celebrant."{{book ref|sa3|102}}
== Notes ==
Synod, Editors, Keepers


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