Diferencia entre revisiones de «Mar de las Luces Perdidas»

== Geography ==
The Sea of Lost Lights lies in the region of Shadesmar corresponding to the [[Physical Realm|Physical]] nations of [[Alethkar]], [[Jah Keved]] and [[Herdaz]], as well as [[Frostlands]] and [[Unclaimed Hills]] and Thaylenah.{{map ref|Roshar}}{{map ref|Sea of Lost Lights}} To the west, if flows into the [[Sea of Souls]]; to the east, it reaches the shores of the [[Expanse of the Broken Sky]] and [[Expanse of the Vapors]].{{map ref|Shadesmar}} To the south, aA stretch of land separates it from [[Thaylen Sea]], the Cognitive representation of the island of [[Thaylenah]].{{map ref|Sea of Lost Lights}}
TheLike Seaall of"seas" Lostin LightsShadesmar, hasthe numerousSea narowof stripsLost ofLights land,isn't correspondingfilled to Physicalwith riverswater, andbut severalrather small islands,beads equivalentthat torepresent lakes.{{mapthe ref|Seavarious of[[Cognitive LostRealm|Cognitive]] Lights}}aspects The land is made from a material akin to dark glassof orphysical obsidianobjects.{{book ref|sa3|89}} There areis scantno fewwind plants growingthere, butnor theany populationweather phenomena other than strips of non-sapientclouds sprencommon isto fairlyall sizeableof Shadesmar.{{book ref|sa3|97}} TheNonetheless, stripsthe ofsea land are known as channels,roils and most of the notablebeads onesconstantly correspondmoving toand [[Deathbendclack River]]against andeach its tributariesother.{{mapbook ref|Alethkarsa3|93}} They are:
The Sea is divided into several sections, most notably:{{map ref|Sea of Lost Lights}}{{map ref|Alethkar}}
* [[Sea of Oracles]] (northern [[Alethkar]] and [[Jah Keved]])
* [[Salavashi Trench]] ([[Sunmaker Mountains]])
* [[Glasswater Deep]] (south [[Alethkar]]/ western [[Frostlands]])
* [[Luminous Shallows]] (southern Frostlands)
The Sea of Lost Lights has numerous peninuslas, corresponding to Physical rivers, and several small islands, equivalent to lakes.{{map ref|Sea of Lost Lights}} The land is made from a material akin to dark glass or obsidian.{{book ref|sa3|89}} Many peninsulas, most notably those that represent the Deathbend River and its tributaries, are referred to as channels.{{map ref|Alethkar}} They are:
Like all "seas" in Shadesmar, the Sea of Lost Lights isn't actually filled with water, but rather small beads that represent the various [[Cognitive Realm|Cognitive]] aspects of physical objects.{{book ref|sa3|89}} There is no wind there, nor any weather phenomena other than strips of clouds common to all of Shadesmar.{{book ref|sa3|97}} Nonetheless, the sea roils, the beads constantly moving and clacking against each other.{{book ref|sa3|93}}
There is a variety of plant life in Shadesmar, that can be found growing along the banks of the peninsulas.{{book ref|sa3|95}}
The Sea is divided into several sections, most notably:{{map ref|Sea of Lost Lights}}{{map ref|Alethkar}}
There is also a fairly sizeable population of non-sapient spren that live within the ocean of beads.{{book ref|sa3|89}}{{book ref|sa3|95}}{{book ref|sa3|97}}
* [[Sea of Oracles]] (northern [[Alethkar]] and [[Jah Keved]])
* [[Salavashi Trench]] ([[Sunmaker Mountains]])
* [[Glasswater Deep]] (south [[Alethkar]]/ western [[Frostlands]])
* [[Luminous Shallows]] (southern Frostlands)
=== Notable locations ===
* [[Burning Gardens]]
* [[Ravizadth]]
* [[Riino]]'s Lighthouselighthouse]]
* [[Kholinar]] [[Oathgate]]
At some point in recent past, [[honorspren]] attempted to conquer all of Shadesmar, including Sea of Lost Lights. The attempt left them with poor opinion among other sapient [[spren]].{{book ref|sa3|47}} For this reason, they are rare in places like [[Celebrant]], although their warships still sail there.{{book ref|sa3|102}}
At the beginning of [[True Desolation]], many cities in the Sea of Lost Lights were taken over by the [[Fused]], although they ruled rather lightly, save for occassionallyoccasionally setting things on fire.{{book ref|sa3|102}}
After attemptingbeing transported to useShadesmar through the corrupted [[Kholinar]] [[Oathgate]], [[Shallan]], [[Kaladin]], their spren, as well as [[Adolin]] and [[Azure]], got trapped in the Sea of Lost Lights.{{book ref|sa3|89}} They travelled to [[Riino]]'s lighthouse, where they managed to find a passage to [[Celebrant]] by a ship crewed by [[Reacher]]s and pulled by [[Mandra]]s.{{book ref|sa3|99}} There, they were chased by the Fused and ended up taking refuge on a honorspren ship ''[[Honor's Path]]'', which eventually ferried them to the shore, to the narrow peninsula separating it from [[Thaylen Sea]].{{book ref|sa3|102}}{{book ref|sa3|110}}
== Notes ==
Synod, Editors, Keepers
