Diferencia entre revisiones de «Dalinar Kholin/Galería»

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(→‎Scenes: added image)
(→‎Scenes: added image)
Odium's Champion by Cara Stratton.jpg| <center><small>by {{a|Cara Stratton}}</small></center> Dalinar's vision of himself as [[Odium]]'s champion
Dalinar_Ambush_LGD.png|<center><small>by {{a|LittleGreyDragon}}</small></center> Dalinar filled with the [[Thrill]] after being ambushed by [[Tanalan]]'s men
Dalinar Perpendicularity.png|<center><small>by {{a|LittleGreyDragon}}</small></center> Dalinar summoning Honor's Perpendicularity in Thaylen City


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