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'''Laresh''' was a soldier that worked in the Sadeas warcamp on the edge of the [[Shattered Plains]] on [[Roshar]].{{book ref|sa1|9}}
== History ==
Laresh worked in the duty tent, and brought the bridgemen to replace those killed in the plateau runs.{{book ref|sa1|9}} Early in [[Kaladin]]'s time as a bridgeman, he brought two groups of recruits to reinforce the bridges. He gave the first group, which was composed of smugglers, to a different bridge. Laresh saved the second group, a particularly ragtag looking bunch of men, to reinforce [[Bridge Four]].
== Appearance and Personality ==
He is not a particularly sympathetic to the bridgemen's plight{{book ref|sa1|9}}. He joined [[Gaz]] in mocking the bridgemen and saved the worst of the recruits for Bridge Four.
== History ==
Laresh worked in the duty tent, and brought the bridgemen to replace those killed in the plateau runs.{{book ref|sa1|9}} Early in [[Kaladin]]'s time as a bridgeman, he brought two groups of recruits to reinforce the bridges. He gave the first group, which was composed of smugglers, to a different bridge. Laresh saved the second group, a particularly ragtag looking bunch of men, to reinforce [[Bridge Four]].
== Notes ==
