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|family=[[House Smedry]]|siblings=[[Australia Smedry|Australia]], [[Aydee Ecks Smedry|Aydee]]|parents=[[Pattywagon Smedry|Pattywagon]]Unknown
|books=[[Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians (series)|Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians]]
'''Sing Sing Smedry''' canis tripa and[[Smedry fallTalent|Smedry]] downwith andthe isTalent anto experttrip inand ancientfall weaponrydown.{{book ref|a1|4}} He is alsothe veryolder interestedbrother inof [[HushlanderAustralia Smedry]] cultureand [[Aydee Ecks Smedry]].
== Appearance and Personality ==
Sing Sing is six and a half feet tall, and has dark hair and dark skin. He hasis quite large.{{book ref|a1|3}} While in [[Hushlands]] he wears a verykimono muscularas body.a disguise,{{book ref|a1|34}} but wears a tunic when in the [[Free Kingdoms]].
Sing is cheerful, good-natured, and loyal, showing great kindness to [[Alcatraz]] on their first mission together.{{book ref|a1|11}} He loves books and learning and shows great enthusiasm for his job.
While in [[Hushlands]] he wears a kimono as a disguise.{{book ref|a1|4}}
== Attributes and Abilities ==
Sing has the Talent of tripping and falling to the ground, which he is able to utilize to great effect. One feature of his Talent is that he tends to trip whenever danger is nearby (and when tripping would be helpful in that situation).{{book ref|a1|8}}
Additionally, Sing is an anthropologist specializing in ancient weaponry.{{book ref|a1|4}} He is very interested in [[Hushlander]] culture, though he despises the [[Librarian]]s.
== Notes ==
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