Diferencia entre revisiones de «Calamity»

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Brandon started work on ''Calamity'' late during December 2014, where he put together his Book Guide. Drafting of Chapter 1 began on January 1st, 2015. He initially planned on finishing it by March 2015.{{sots ref|2014}} However drafting took longer than expected and he instead finished during the early morning of May 6th, 2015.{{tweet ref|595888143292727296|Brandon's tweet about finishing drafting|date=May 6th 2015}}January and February were slow writing months for him, due to a lot of traveling and touring, only writing 5,000 and 8,000 words in each respective month. His pace picked up in March where he managed to write 30,000 words. Over the course of the final 13 work-hours he wrote 13,200 words out of the initial draft's 102,000 words, with a break in the middle to go to the cinema.{{reddit ref|fantasy|352y3e|cr0t21k|text= Brandon's comments on the completion of ''Calamity''.|date= May 6th, 2015}}{{reddit ref|fantasy|352y3e|cr0md3h|text=Peter's comments on the completion of ''Calamity''.|date= May 6th, 2015}} The second draft was completed and turned in on May 18th.{{tweet ref|600248629731831808|''Calamity'' 2.0 completion announcement.|date= May 18th, 2015}} Brandon's final revisions for the book were completed during the early morning of Sep 2nd, 2015.{{bws ref|a-thousand-faces| ''Calamity'' final revision announcement.|date= Sep 2nd, 2015}}
==Cover Art Gallery==
{{for|/Covers/a cover gallery of Calamity}}
File: Calamity US Hardcover.jpg | US Hardcover
File: Calamity UK Hardcover.jpg | UK Hardcover
== Notes ==
Editors, Keepers
