Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:Thurin/Luthadel»

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|[[Vin]] upon discovering Luthadel's cache{{book ref|mb2|57}}
// also include storage cavern and well of ascension in this section
=== Keeps ===
{{for|Square of the Survivor}}
Massive square, large enough for tens of thousands of people. Had a platform and four bowl-like fountains{{expand}}. Executions took place here.{{book ref|mb1|26}}
=== Storage cavern and the Well of Ascension ===
{{for|Storage cavern}}
{{for|Well of Ascension}}
== History ==
Skaa in the Final Empire aren't allowed to travel on their own,{{book ref|mb1|6}} and even a lot of thieves never left their plantation or town.{{book ref|mb1|8}} However, there are illegal ways for skaa to travel in the Central Dominance. There is an underground movement network to help runaways travel the canals from plantation to plantation, which isn't noticed because noblemen don't pay attention to skaa faces.{{book ref|mb1|23}} <br>
Getting in and out of Luthadel is more difficult, as all city gates are guarded and both skaa and nobles need permission to pass through them{{book ref|mb1|24}} after interview and interrogation.{{book ref|mb2|42}} Ways to get around this were the so called passwalls, most of which were in the form of tunnels with fake walls or ropes that were thrown over the city walls.{{book ref|mb2|42}}
=== Church of the Survivor ===
{{for|Church of the Survivor}}
== Politics ==


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