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=== Nalthis Bonds ===
'''Sentient Awakened Entities in an Inorganic Host''': Only known entity of this kind is [[Nightblood]]. [[Nightblood]] is a sentient sword made using 1000 breath and the command to destroy evil. It makes a bond with anyone with whom, it wishes to communicate, and it is able to read and speak with minds directly. {{qa ref|1037|8|How is it that Nightblood, who is merely a near-sentient awakened object, was able to read minds, something a Shard like Ruin was unable to do?|date= Oct 1st, 2013}} Distance appears to be a factor, but this may be a limitation of the mind of [[Nightblood]] and not its ability. [[Nightblood]], while idle, reaches out to other people ether repulsing them with great nausea, even inducing vomiting if they attempt to draw the blade, or creating a desire to use the blade. Anyone who is able to wield [[Nightblood]] and survive, Bonds with the blade to a greater degree and is no longer repelled by or abnormally drawn to use it.{{annotationwob ref|wb|chapter=457404}} Those unable to control [[Nightblood]] are controlled by it, in effect [[Nightblood]] wields them killing everyone around and absorbing all of the [[Investiture]] from the victim including the spark of life(i.e. the soul).This bond may grant additional powers on Roshar.{{qa ref|1076|34|Nightblood is a shardblade|date= Mar 6th, 2014}}
=== Scadrial Bonds ===


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