Diferencia entre revisiones de «Vacíospren»

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58 bytes añadidos ,  hace 4 años
Undo revision 118049 by Brutal murder (talk)
m (Undo revision 118049 by Brutal murder (talk))
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Some lesser voidspren are capable of bonding a [[singer]] during a [[highstorm]] or the [[Everstorm]], granting the singers Regal powers. Two Regal forms have been seen so far: [[Stormform]] and [[Envoyform]]. Voidspren who create Stormform can take the form of either rolling lightning that moves across surfaces or a human shape with odd eyes{{book ref|sa3|I-3}}. The shape of the voidspren which grant Envoyform is unknown, as the only singer in Envoyform is [[Venli]], and her voidspren is held captive inside her own gemheart by [[Timbre]]{{book ref|sa3|120}}.


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