Diferencia entre revisiones de «Guardia de la Muralla de Kholinar»

m (minor wording)
m (copyedit/tense)
| Azure{{book ref|sa3|70}}
The '''Kholinar Wall Guard''' is one of three military forces stationed in the [[Alethi]] capital of [[Kholinar]], alongside the [[Queen's Guard]] and [[Palace Guard]]. They are responsible for patrolling the city wall and standing watch over its gates.{{book ref|sa3|61}} It's is composed entirely of [[lighteyes]] of lower [[dahn]], organized into four battallionsbattalions, and commanded by a Highmarshal.{{book ref|sa3|77}}
== History ==
Some members of the Wall Guard were present when [[Taln]] arrived at Kholinar to bring news of the [[True Desolation]].{{book ref|sa1|epilogue}}
At the start of the [[Siege of Kholinar]], theirthe Guard's commander died when trying to quell the riots, while their highborn patron went to speak with Queen [[Aesudan]] in the [[Kholinar palace]], never to be seen again. When the [[Cult of Moments]] attempted to storm one of the gates, [[Azure]] stepped up and took charge. Afterwards, she became the Wall Guard's new Highmarshal, although her men pretended that she was a man to circumvent their [[Vorin]] sensibilities.{{book ref|sa3|70}}
Azure rallied the Wall Guard and led them to seize the city's emerald reserves, as well as to attack one of the city's monasteries to acquire a [[Soulcaster]].{{book ref|sa3|73}}{{book ref|sa3|77}} She cut out a chamber underneath the city and lined it with [[aluminiumaluminum]] to prevent the [[voidspren]] from detecting the work done there, then placed [[Ithi]] and her sister there to Soulcast rock into grain.{{book ref|sa3|81}} By the time [[Kaladin]] and his team arrivearrived in [[Kholinar]], the sisters arewere Kholinar's only remaining food source.{{book ref|sa3|77}}
At that time, the Wall Guard was actively recruiting any [[lighteyes]] who cancould wield a weapon, regardless of whether they're were deserters, or even criminals, using free meals as an incentive to join.{{book ref|sa3|69}} When they attemptattempted to recruit Kaladin, he agreesagreed, hoping to learn where the city's food comeswas coming from.{{book ref|sa3|73}} He eventually revealsrevealed himself to them as a [[Shardbearer]] and informsinformed them about king [[Elhokar]]'s presence in the city, then ralliesrallied them to join his group in an assault on the Kholinar Palace.{{book ref|sa3|79}}{{book ref|sa3|82}}
During the fighting, the Wall Guard sufferssuffered tremendous losses, especially when they beginbegan to clash with the [[listener]]s as they assaultassaulted the city.{{book ref|sa3|85}} After their attack failsfailed, Azure iswas dumped into [[Shadesmar]] along with Kaladin, [[Shallan]] and [[Adolin]], while the surviving Guard members arewere captured and inprisonedimprisoned by the fused[[Fused]].{{book ref|sa3|89}}{{book ref|sa3|86}}
== Members ==
Editors, Keepers
