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Palona is among the many residents of the Shattered Plains who move to [[Urithiru]] after the activation of the [[Stormseat]] [[Oathgate]]. Sebarial's actions at the end of the [[War of Reckoning]] gained Dalinar's trust and he is named [[Highprince of Commerce]], giving House Sebarial additional influence in the displaced Alethi government.{{book ref|sa3|2}} Palona is among the first people to see the corpse of [[Torol Sadeas]] after his murder in the halls of Urithiru, and flippantly calls his death a "problem solved", as she was one of the many people who hated Sadeas.{{book ref|sa3|2}} She is present at Dalinar and Navani's small wedding ceremony,{{book ref|sa3|4}} as well as Dalinar's meetings when he attempts to form a multinational coalition as part of his plan to unite Roshar.{{book ref|sa3|96}} She is one of the first people to know that [[Jasnah Kholin]] has been crowned as Queen.{{book ref|sa3|122}}
Shallan continues to live with Sebarial and Palona in their section of Urithiru, and she sees Palona as something of a mother figure who often checks in on her.{{book ref|sa3|13}}{{book ref|sa3|21}}{{book ref|sa3|33}} Palona appears in [[Shallan's sketchbook]],{{book ref|sa3|25}} and her face sometimes appears in Shallan's [[Surgebinding#Illumination|Lightweaving]] illusions.{{book ref|sa3|29}} Palona takes a interest in Shallan's interaction with [[Re-Shephir]], and thinks that the other [[Unmade]] should be sought out to ensure that they are imprisoned.{{book ref|sa3|29}}
== Notes ==