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wording and some missing descriptions
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(wording and some missing descriptions)
;Dull sand: Dull Sand is one of the only types of sand that don't do anything. The librarians have gone to great lengths to cover beaches in it to make sand seem common and boring, and thus of little value.
;The Sands of Rashid: The sands of Rashid, are among the rarest of known sands, and can be used to make translator's lenses. The Sands of Rashid were promised as an inheritance to [[Alcatraz]] Smedry upon his birth by his father, and were delivered to him on his thirteenth birthday. Before this, it was believed to be impossible to gather enough sand to forge Rashid lenses.
== Silimatic Glass ==
Types of glass include the following:
; {{anchor|AlivenersGlass}}Alivener's Glass: [[Alivener's Glassglass]]: Createcan create [[Alivened]], by storing part of a dark oculator's humanity, thus making the dark oculator less humane in the process.
; {{anchor|BuildersGlass}}Builder's Glass: Builder's Glass is used as a building material. It is not as strong as Restoring Glass.{{book ref|a1|3}}
; {{anchor|CommunicatorsGlass}}Communicator's Glass: When broken in half, Communicator's Glass allows communication between the two pieces for 20 days. Usually, both halves must be activated in order to allow for communication.{{ref|text=This rule does not seem to apply to Alcatraz}}{{book ref|a5|1}}. In extreme cases, this glass can communicate one way with ordinary glass, and it can also be set to transmit one way.{{book ref|a5|1}}
; {{anchor|DefendersGlass}}Defender's Glass: ProtectsDefender's Glass protects structures that are inside it. ExtremelyIt is extremely strong.
; {{anchor|DetonatorsGlass}}Detonator's Glass : ExplodesDetonator's Glass explodes. CanIt can be set to go off within a certain area. {{book ref|a3|3}}
; {{anchor|EnforcersGlass}}Enforcer's Glass: Enforcer's Glass is impossible to break, even with a Smedry Talent.{{book ref|a3|13}} It is used to make handcuffs.{{book ref|a1|17}}
; {{anchor|ExpandersGlass}}Expander's Glass : AllowsExpander's Glass allows the inside of a structure or object built withwithin it to be bigger than theits outside. DeepIt is deep lavender in color.{{book ref|a1|4}} VeryIt is very difficult to break, even with a Talent.{{book ref|a1|19}}
; {{anchor|GrapplersGlass}}Grappler's Glass : ClingsGrappler's Glass clings to other surfaces, influencing gravity--. It is used on the bottoms of boots to enable people to walk up surfaces. It supports the whole body instead of only fixing the foot in place. OftenIt is often used by Alcatraz to walk on Silimatic vehicles such as the ''[[Hawkwind]]'' and the ''[[Dragonaut]]''.
; {{anchor|InhibitorsGlass}}Inhibitor's Glass : StopsInhibitor's Glass stops those touching it from using Silimatic technology or Smedry Talents. It may have been used by librarians to stop messaging to and from tuki[[Tuki tukiTuki]].
; {{anchor|IlluminatorsGlass}}''Illuminator's Glass'': The''Illuminator's Glass'' is the fan-given name of the glass used to illuminate the trunk of clothes Alcatraz was trying on. {{book ref|a5|1}}
; {{anchor|MessengersGlass}}Messenger's Glass: Messenger's Glass is used as a means of communication. The Librarians destroyed [[Mokia]]'s supply of Messenger's Glass.{{book ref|a4|No!}}
; {{anchor|OrientationGlass}}Orientation Glass : InfluencesOrientation Glass influences the direction of gravity. UsedIt is used inside vehicles that might get up-sideupside-down.
; {{anchor|ProtectiveGlass}}''Protective Glass'': Emits''Protective Glass'' emits a protective feildfield capable of stopping a full [[Crystin]] punch. The exact name of this glass type is unknown.{{book ref|a5|Chapter Bob}}
; {{anchor|RebuildersGlass}}Rebuilder's Glass
; {{anchor|ReinforcersGlass}}Reinforcer's Glass:
; {{anchor|RestoringGlass}}Restoring Glass : EasilyRestoring Glass easily shatters at the touch of an Oculator, but restores itself when the Oculator moves away from it. IncrediblyIt is incredibly strong otherwise. BlackIt is black in color.{{book ref|a1|4}}
; {{anchor|SentinelsGlass}}Sentinel's Glass
; {{anchor|ShieldersGlass}}Shielder's Glass
; {{anchor|SnarersGlass}}Snarer's Glass : Snarer's Glass is Used for traps,. howeverHowever, each square can only gobe triggered offone oncetime.{{book ref|a1|17}}
; {{anchor|TransportersGlass}}Transporter's Glass : UsedTransporter's Glass is used in pairs. and whenWhen activated at the exact same time, swapsit twocan objectsinstantly thatswap hasthe exactlylocations sameof sizetwo instantlyobjects, usually glass boxes, betweenthat twohave placesexactly same size.{{book ref|a3|5}}. If more than two identically sized transporter's boxes are activated at the same time, the occupants would be killed.
;Unknown: A type of glass used to warn of librarian illusions in the penguinator's cockpit.
Lenses include:
;{{anchor|BestowersLenses}}Bestower's Lenses: AllowsBestower's Lenses allow you to temporarily give someone an attribute of yours, such as strength, feelings, hunger, injuries, talents, Smedry Talents, etc.{{book ref|a1|21}} They are tinted green and purple.
;{{anchor|ConcussorsLenses}}Concussor's Lenses: ShootsConcussor's Lens shoot a beam of light which, when it smashes into a target, knockingwill knock them back and renderingrender them unconscious for a few hours. This lens is used by [[Attica smedrySmedry]] in his infiltration of the highbrary[[Highbrary]]. TheTheir tint is currently unknown.
;{{anchor|CouriersLenses}}Courier's Lenses: AllowCourier's Lenses allow short-range communication between two Oculators when both of them are wearing them; however, Alcatraz managed to extend that range by pushing more power into the Lenses.{{book ref|scrivener's bonesa2|2}} The user mentally hears the voice of the other Oculator and sees a hologram of their upper body. They are generally tinted baby blue.{{book ref|scrivener's bonesa2|1}}
<gallery mode="nolines">
;{{anchor|DiscernersLenses}}Discerner's Lenses: TellDiscerner's Lenses tell the wearer howthe oldage somethingof isan inobject. theIt formmakes ofthe aobject glow, that growsthe duller glow the older the object is.{{book ref|scrivener's bonesa2|8}} Their tint is unknown.
;{{anchor|DisguisersLenses}}Disguiser's Lenses: AllowDisguisers Lenses allow the wearer to look like anything they want, but the lenses are visible within the disguise. They are tinted lavender. The highbraryHighbrary dome causes anyone using disguiser'sthese lenses to glow.{{book ref|a5}}
;{{anchor|EducatorsLenses}}Educator's Lenses: WhenEducator's Lenses when worn, time slowsis slowed for the wearer.{{book ref|shattered lens|four teens and a pickle}} UnknownTher tint is unknown.
;{{anchor|EducatorsLenses}}Educator's Lenses: When worn, time slows for the wearer.{{book ref|shattered lens|four teens and a pickle}} Unknown tint.
;{{anchor|FirebringersLenses}}Firebringer's Lenses: Whenwhen switched on, which only takes a small amount of concentration or power, these powerful lenses gather the light around them and shoot it out in concentrated beams. They are clear with a dot of red at the center of each lense.
;{{anchor|FrostbringersLenses}}Frostbringer's Lenses: AFrostbringer's LensLenses that isare essentially the opposite of the Firebringers Lens,. this LensThey can direct a beam of frost at the target. This Lens is used by the Scrivener Bones.
;{{anchor|HarriersLenses}}Harrier's Lenses: MagnifyHarrier's Lenses magnify the pain of someone you focus on.{{wob ref|11355}} Their tint is unknown.
;{{anchor|OculatorsLenses}}Oculator's Lenses: AllowOculator's Lenses allow Oculators to see/ and sense Oculations orand, more generally, show you things that you need to see. They can also be used to counter another Oculators' attack.{{book ref|a1|3}} They have a red or pink tint.
;{{anchor|OculatorsLenses}}Oculator's Lenses: Allow Oculators to see/sense Oculations or, more generally, show you things that you need to see. They can also be used to counter another Oculators' attack.{{book ref|a1|3}} They have a red or pink tint.
;{{anchor|OraclesLenses}}Oracle's Lenses: ThoseOracle's lensesLenses allowedallow the user to glimpse into the future. Attica Smedry used them to foresee where Alcatraz willwould be living on his 13th birthday.{{book ref|a1|20}} Their tint is unknown.
;{{anchor|ShamefillersLenses}}Shamefiller's Lenses: CanShamefiller's Lenses can make any object, living or non-living, so embarrassed that they explode. The user hears the embarrassing thoughts of the target in their mind before the explosion. ItThey isare considered to be crude, but very effective. ItThey isare at least somewhat rare. ItsThey tintare istinted a deep maroon.{{book ref|dark talenta5|mary}}
;{{anchor|ShapersLenses}}Shaper's Lenses: ThisShaper's lenseLenses allowsallow the occulator see someonesa person's "heart, soul, and innermost desires...,This gives you an advantage over others, that maybe you should never have."([[Leavenworth Smedry]]){{book ref|dark talent|mary}}. These unpredictable lenses can give an occulatorOcculator "great power over others,"{{book ref|dark talent|mary}} and itthey isare considered very dangerous. ItThey isare tinted with silver white flakes that look like the stars of a galaxy.{{book ref|dark talent|mary}}
;{{anchor|ShatterersLenses}}Shatterer's Lenses: CanShatterer's Lenses can break other kinds of glass if the Oculator looks at it through these.{{book ref|shattered lens|four teens and a pickle}} UnknownTheir tint is unknown.
;{{anchor|ShockersLenses}}Shocker's Lenses: EmitShocker's Lenses emit a beam of light that knocks anyone looking at the user unconscious. VeryThey are very difficult to use.{{book ref|a1|11}}
;{{anchor|TrackersLenses}}Tracker's Lenses: SomeTracker's Lenses are some of the easiest Lenses to use,. theyThey allow the user to track peoples'the footprints of other people. Everyone has a unique footprint, and the longer the user knows a person, the longer their footprints stay visible.{{book ref|a1|4}} Family, however, is who one knows best, so their footprints stay a very long time, no matter how little the user thinks they know them.{{book ref|a1|20}} They are tinted yellow.{{book ref|a1|2}}
;{{anchor|TranslatorsLenses}}Translator's Lenses (Lenses of Rashid): ForgedTranslator's Lenses are forged from the [[Sands of Rashid]], which are incredibly rare. LetThey are also known as the Lenses of Rashid. They let the wearer understand, read, and write in any language, code, or alphabet, including [[Quentin Smedry]]'s nonsense.{{book ref|a1|19}}{{book ref|a1|20}} Their tint is unknown.
;{{anchor|TranslatorsLenses}}Translator's Lenses (Lenses of Rashid): Forged from the [[Sands of Rashid]], which are incredibly rare. Let the wearer understand, read, and write in any language, code, or alphabet, including [[Quentin Smedry]]'s nonsense.{{book ref|a1|19}}{{book ref|a1|20}} Their tint is unknown.
;{{anchor|TravelersLenses}}Traveler's Lenses: PushesTraveler's Lenses push the occulator from one point to another, avoiding obstructions in between.{{book ref|shattered lens|four teens and a pickle}} UnknownTheir tint is unknown.
;{{anchor|TranscribersLenses}}Transcriber's Lenses: SimilarTranscriber's Lenses are similar to Courier's Lenses, but thethey work with written communication instead of spoken comunicationcommunication.
;{{anchor|TruthfindersLenses}}Truthfinder's Lenses: Truthfinder's Lenses are Even rarer than TranslatorsTranslator's Lenses,. theseThese Lenses allow the wearer to discern truth from lies. When a person is telling the truth, their breath is seen as white fog. When they are lying, bugs/ or black critters spew from their mouthsmouth. The only known lenseexample of this lens belongs to [[Alcatraz]] and used to belong to [[Allekatrase]] the First. They have no tint.
;{{anchor|TorturersLenses}}Torturer's Lenses: CauseTorturer's Lenses cause intense agony in the target and make thetheir muscles begin to rip.{{book ref|a1|12}} Five seconds of use causes the target permanent harm.{{book ref|a1|13}} They are tinted green and black.
;{{anchor|TorturersLenses}}Torturer's Lenses: Cause intense agony in the target and make the muscles begin to rip.{{book ref|a1|12}} Five seconds of use causes the target permanent harm.{{book ref|a1|13}} They are tinted green and black.
;{{anchor|WarriorsLenses}}Warrior's Lenses: EnhancesWarrior's Lenses enhance the wearers physical abilities. This is one of the only lenses that a non-Oculator can use. They are tinted dark grey or black.
;{{anchor|WindstormersLenses}}Windstormer's Lenses: CreateWindstormer's Lenses create gusts of wind that blow away from the Oculator. Leavenworth uses them to create a bubble of calm winds around the wielder, but this is extremely difficult. The LensesThey are tinted green.{{book ref|scrivener's bones|1}}
;{{anchor|WindstormersLenses}}Windstormer's Lenses: Create gusts of wind that blow away from the Oculator. Leavenworth uses them to create a bubble of calm winds around the wielder, but this is extremely difficult. The Lenses are tinted green.{{book ref|scrivener's bones|1}}
;{{anchor|VoidstormersLenses}}Voidstormer's Lenses: TheseVoidstormer's Lenses are the opposite of the Windstormer's Lenses --and they suck things towards the user instead of blowing them away.
;Unknown Lenses:
