Diferencia entre revisiones de «Lift»

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→‎Development: That much was obvious
m (→‎Development: That much was obvious)
Lift is a character that [[Brandon Sanderson]] has had in his head for quite a while.{{wob ref|6465}} She is a classic example of what he is hoping to do with a broader series, such as the [[Stormlight Archive]]. With the extra space a multi-book series allows, Sanderson wants to create a world full of cultures and characters that are less common in fantasy and science fiction. Lift is an outgrowth of this desire. Sanderson wants the [[Knights Radiant]] to be something different than classical European knights. He doesn't want them to all be young, white, men swearing oaths of chivalry and valor. Sanderson was looking for a character that would be interesting and popular, but no one's first idea when they thought of a knight. Lift, a thirteen year old girl on a thieving crew with a weird sense of morality, is the result. Sanderson hopes that playing with concepts like these, and stretching our ideas of what a fantasy book and it's characters should look like will allow him to avoid the staleness that is a common complaint in science fiction and fantasy.
Lift'sSanderson appearancedecided into write an interlude featuring Lift in ''[[Words of Radiance]] will be the first of many.{{wob ref|2882}} Sanderson decided to write an interlude featuring her,'' as a sort of "seed" for her future appearances.{{wob ref|5621}} She is one of the flashback characters for the second five book arc in the Stormlight Archive,{{wob ref|1673}} something that Sanderson has planned for a long time.{{wob ref|1673}}{{wob ref|6465}} As one of the characters in the back five bookssuch, Liftshe will become even more prominent as the series continues.{{wob ref|1673}} Sanderson intends to perhaps even write a few more short stories featuring Lift before he publishes her books.{{wob ref|7909}}
== Trivia ==
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