Diferencia entre revisiones de «Tormenta eterna»

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The Everstorm moves somewhat slower than a highstorm. It takes roughly nine days to circle the entire globe, three of which it spends crossing the Rosharan continent.{{book ref|sa2.5|13}}{{book ref|sa3|35}} Its time of arrival does fluctuate slightly, and precise predictions can be inaccurate. Fortunately, its high visibility and lower speed give the people of Roshar plenty of time to seek shelter.{{book ref|sa3|77}} It is not yet clear whether the Everstorm's frequency is affected by the time of the year or other variables.
Odium is capable of altering the Everstorm's speed as he desires. He can accelerate it, pushing it to go around the planet in as little as five days. He can also bring it to a full stop and hold it thusstationary for hours.{{book ref|sa3|111}} The one time the Everstorm was stopped like this, it eventually dissipated, but later returned to round the planet in its usual pattern.{{book ref|sa3|120}}{{book ref|sa3|122}}
== Influence and Magic ==
Synod, Editors, Keepers


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