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'''Hammond''' is a [[skaa]] [[misting]] on [[Scadrial]]. He is a member of [[Kelsier]]'s crew who helped organize the rebellion's army of Skaa.{{book ref|mb1|4}}
== Appearance and personality ==
Ham is humble, long-winded, and kindly. {{book ref|mb1|annotation 4}} He argues about the rightness of the fight they are in. He also shows attachment towards his crew and soldiers and wants to make sure there are greater plans for them. {{book ref|mb1|21}}
Ham always seemed happy. {{book ref|mb1|24}} He works to give his family a better life and dreams of moving with them to a city where they can live like noblemen, a place where you can stop worrying and just live. {{book ref|mb1|24}}
He has very short hair {{book ref|mb2|16}} and would wear his customary loose shirt and vest, both sleeveless; however, when acting as General Hammond, he would wear a uniform which he disliked using. {{book ref|mb1|24}}
He would wear his customary loose shirt and vest, both sleeveless; however, when acting as General Hammond, he would wear a uniform which he disliked using. {{book ref|mb1|24}}
Ham likes philosophical debates. He questioned if going against the Lord Ruler was good or bad as overthrowing God is not in itself something good. {{book ref|mb1|10}} or like to talk about atium economics {{book ref|mb1|13}}
It was due to his philosophy that he figured out that Skaa were made different from noble men. From the number of children to birth to physical differences like height. {{book ref|mb1|21}}
== History ==
Ham grew up in the streets of Luthadel. Son of two skaa parents and a noble grandparent. {{book ref|mb2|42}}. When he grew up he ran general security for jobs, providing his crewleader with manpower and warriors, assuming such are necessary. {{book ref|mb1|4}}
He joined Kelsier on his Skaa rebellion working initially for Yeden, based on the promise of payment, including the Lord Ruler’s atium. His role was to train the Skaa army. {{book ref|mb1|4}} He did that on secure caves away from Luthadel becoming General Hammond. He would leave the crew for months to train and inspect them, {{book ref|mb1|16}} and made good progress with their skills. {{book ref|mb1|21}}
He was later replaced in the training camps by Yeden and sent back to Luthadel to work closer with Kelsier. {{book ref|mb1|21}}
He also trained [[Vin]] in using Pewter. Through doing this he gained a friendship with Vin, who accompanied him when travelling to meet the Garrison in [[Luthadel]] where they found that their army was exposed and they were marching to fight them. {{book ref|mb1|24}} Ham was asked by the Garrison to join them, and Kell asked him to do so and be the inside guy, though Ham decided he would not betray them from the inside. {{book ref|mb1|25}}
After most of the army was lost to the Garrison killing Yeden in battle and scattering the rest. {{book ref|mb1|25}} the crew was ready to quit, but with the Lord Ruler executing random Skaa in reprisal for the army creation, Kelsier rallied the team to push further and used the fact that the Garrison was out to strike directly into Luthadel. {{book ref|mb1|26}}
After most of the army was lost to the Garrison killing Yeden in battle and scattering the rest. {{book ref|mb1|25}} the crew was ready to quit, but with the Lord Ruler executing random Skaa in reprisal for the army creation, Kelsier rallied the team to push further and used the fact that the Garrison was out to strike directly into Luthadel. {{book ref|mb1|26}}
Ham was then tasked to bring the remaining troops into Luthadel and continue recruitment to join the rebellion. They would be trained in small packs without the knowledge of each other’s existence. {{book ref|mb1|27}} He was successful at training this army as well. {{book ref|mb1|29}}
When [[OreSeur|Renoux]] , [[Spook]] along with his servants, staff and guards were captured, Kelsier decided to rescue them. Ham fetched one of the rebel teams and led the attack to rescue them while Kelsier fought the [[Steel Inquisitor]] {{book ref|mb1|33}} who eventually killed him as he had planned. {{book ref|mb1|34}}
After Kelsier’s death, he left instructions for the final assault. Ham would take care of four remaining noble houses, fetch the army and go to warehouses. The assault leader would be [[Clubs]] though. {{book ref|mb1|34}} He did manage to bring down Keep Elariel and kept fighting till the end. {{book ref|mb1|37}}
After the death of the Lord Ruler , he agreed to be the captain of Elend’s guard on a single condition: that he would never have to wear a uniform. {{book ref|mb2|3}}. He, along with the rest of Kelsier’s crew acted as advisors for Elend during the siege of Straff and Cett’s army. {{book ref|mb2|13}}. And had kept on being so even with the Kollos army’s threat. {{book ref|mb2|23}}
Due to his loyalty to Elend, he tried to help him research legal ways for him to keep his throne, however, he is not a scholar and the task proved hard for him. {{book ref|mb2|34}} He also stayed by his side when his throne was taken and helped execute several of his personal ideas. {{book ref|mb2|42}}
Still, when the taking of Luthadel seemed unavoidable, he along with Breeze, Dox, Sazed and other original crew members met behind Vin and Elend’s back to plan the next steps. They decided to stay and fight while sending out Vin, Elend, Spook, Twyndle and Allrianne so they could survive. Sazed told Vin the Well of Ascension was on the North. {{book ref|mb2|46}}
When the Koloss army finally attacked, Ham lead the defense, however his Keep fell and he lost most of his strength. He along with Breeze and Sazed were looking to evacuate as many survivors as possible. {{book ref|mb2|53}} They, however were in very bad shape, Ham was deeply wounded and could not fight anymore. When Vin came back to the city, he gave her his pewter. {{book ref|mb2|54}} He fell unconscious after that and by the time he woke up, Vin had taken back the city. He then helped Elend and later Sazed on finding Vin, the well and each other. {{book ref|mb2|57}} He found and helped with Luthadel’s storage created by the Lord Ruler. {{book ref|mb2|Epilogue}}
His second in command, Captain [[Demoux] who he had trained since the caves, eventually took over his role.
After [[Ruin]] was released, Ham continued to help train soldiers and was present at the siege of [[Fadrex City]]. He was responsible for making Elend decide not to release the [[Koloss]] on the city, one of the only cases where Ham decided to make a total decision. Ham survived the [[Catacendre]].
Ham had a wife and children. He preferred to distance himself from them while working on thieving jobs for their own protection, sometimes going months without seeing them. He was reunited with his family after the Catacendre.{{book ref|mb3|Epilogue}}
== Attributes and Abilities ==
Ham is a [[Pewter|Thug]].{{book ref|mb1|4}}. Thugs—or, Pewterarms, as the nobility prefer to call them—are the most sought-after Mistings. A competent Thug can stand against a half-dozen regular men, and he can lift more, endure more, and move faster than any other hired muscle. {{book ref|mb1|24}}
The way Ham fought, he simply attacked with raw strength and speed, throwing enemy soldiers out of his way. {{book ref|mb1|34}}
As a General he might have been a bit of an anarchist at heart, but he could be a very good leader if he was given a small team. Though his guards weren’t the most disciplined, polished soldiers, they were fiercely loyal. {{book ref|mb2|22}}
The way Ham fought, he simply attacked with raw strength and speed, throwing enemy soldiers out of his way. {{book ref|mb1|34}}
== Relationships ==
=== Madra ===
HeMadra hasis aHam’s wife thatwho he hadleft tobehind leaveuntil behindthe death of the Lord Ruler, to protect her from his job. She is a seamstress who lives outside the city and tells people her husband works in the Garrison. He missesmissed her as he only sees her a couple of months a year. {{book ref|mb1|24}} Together they have two children. {{book ref|mb2|42}}
=== Kelsier ===
Ham is very loyal to Kelsier, but is also worried about him and his ego. He along with Dox and Breeze try to restrain him when he goes overboard. {{book ref|mb1|24}. Kelsier on the other hand, considers Ham as prone to think about things that no sane man would consider. Still, he listened and the debate on if Skaa were made inferior was an idea Kelsier never forgot. {{book ref|mb1|21}}
=== Breeze ===
Ham and Breeze are good friends as well as colleagues. The warrior philosopher is a foil for Breeze. Since Breeze tends to be arrogant, long-winded, and manipulative, and Breeze is humble, long-winded, and kindly they tend to disagree a lot and pick on each other.{{book ref|mb1|annotations 4}}
=== Vin ===
Vin likes Ham, and he in return. He trains her on burning pewter and sparing. {{book ref|mb2|6}} He helps taking care of her the times she arrives back injured from a mission. {{book ref|mb1|31}} During the time when Vin was being influenced by Zane, Ham did have suspicion on her truthfulness and thought she might be at some point a liability. {{book ref|mb2|44}}
=== Elend ===
After the death of the Lord Ruler, Ham became Elend’s captain. He respected Elend but it took him some time to believe in his capabilities as leader{{book ref|mb2|37}}. They befriended each other and Elend trusted him as a friend. {{book ref|mb2|22}} He stood by his side and helped research for Elend to keep the throne. He even encouraged him to. {{book ref|mb2|34}}{{book ref|mb2|37}}
| Ham to Kelsier and the crew on joining the Skaa Rebelion {{book ref|mb1|4}}
We may be friends, but when it comes to fighting, none of us would hesitate to kill the others.”
| Ham to Vin on the Garrison {{book ref|mb1|24}}
== Trivia ==
BrandonI really wishedwish heI'd made Ham a woman, for example. TheI think the character would have gone interesting places--and would have done good things for the lore of the world if women Thugs were heavily recruited to be soldiers. {{wobbook ref|wob| 4929}}
== Notes ==
{{Mistborn|Era 1}}
{{edit note|date=20202019-0104-2007|claim=Rebeca}}


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