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{{icon|aluminum|m|150px|right|thumb|The Allomantic symbol for aluminum}}
'''Aluminum''' is the internal enhancement pulling metal. An [[Allomancy|Allomancer]] burning aluminum will make all of their metal reserves vanish.{{book ref|mb2|5}} Feruchemists[[Feruchemist]]s can use aluminum to store [[Identity]], and when used as a [[Hemalurgic]] spike, aluminum removes all powers. It is known as '''Ralkalest''' or '''the unForgeable metal''' in the [[Rose Empire]] on [[Sel]].{{wob ref|6364}}
Aluminum metal (and some of its alloys) are "Allomantically inert" - they cannot be Pushed or Pulled, and can shield people from emotional Allomancy.{{book ref|aol|part=ars}} Aluminum generates no [[atium|atium shadows]]{{wob ref|6870}} and can create dead zones within [[cadmium#Allomantic use|cadmium]] and [[bendalloy#Allomantic Use|bendalloy]] bubbles, where the shielded area is not included within the time bubble.{{wob ref|4297}} It also interferes with [[Gold#Feruchemical Use|Feruchemical healing]], by making it impossible for wounds to heal around the aluminum until it is removed from the body. There is a similar effect on [[Pewter#Allomantic Use|pewter Allomancy]].{{wob ref|6365}}
== Notes ==
<!-- a-mb1-36-2 confirms that Vin burned aluminum to remove her other metals -->
{{annotation ref|name=a-mb1-36-2
