Diferencia entre revisiones de «Hudiya»

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1 byte eliminado ,  hace 4 años
Should specifically be fun loving instead of fun and loving. The relationship section with Spensa can also do with an update from Starsight, demoting back to partial.
m (minor changes and marked complete)
Etiqueta: status-change
m (Should specifically be fun loving instead of fun and loving. The relationship section with Spensa can also do with an update from Starsight, demoting back to partial.)
Hurl is an emotionally open person and wears her heart on her sleeve. She is a confident, eager, fun, and fun-loving.{{book ref|sky1|23}} She is rather competitive and often plays games or makes bets with her flightmates.{{book ref|sky1|28}} She has a very carefree personality and sees life as a game and a joke.{{book ref|sky1|9}} Hurl becomes more solemn following the deaths of [[Bim]] and [[Morningtide]], and struggles to find fun in flying.{{book ref|sky1|20}}{{book ref|sky1|23}}
Hurl will make it known if she is upset with someone, and will become hostile and cold towards them.{{book ref|sky1|21}}{{book ref|sky1|23}} As well as this, Hurl will become aggressive and challenge someone trying to assert authority over her if she does not believe they are justified in giving her orders.{{book ref|sky1|8}}{{book ref|sky1|9}} She can be quite blunt and brash with her remarks,{{book ref|sky1|8}}{{book ref|sky1|9}}{{book ref|sky1|23}} yet she is also self-reflective of her treatment of others and will admit and apologize when she has unfairly treated someone harshly.{{book ref|sky1|28}}
As someone who passed the flight school entrance exam, Hurl is highly knowledgeable about piloting and [[starfighter]]s.{{book ref|sky1|8}} She does not seem to have any prior practical experience in starfighters from before flight school.{{book ref|sky1|9}}{{book ref|sky1|11}} Ultimately she trains to pilot a [[Poco]], perform aerial maneuvers, and use its weaponry. Hurl is aware of flight school traditions prior to starting her training as a cadet and believed the rumor that cadets were expelled if they ejected from their aircraft was to weed out cowards from the [[DDF]].{{book ref|sky1|9}}
She is an excellent flier, skilled at using a [[light-lance]], and hunting down [[Krell]] during battle, however, her enthusiasm can cross into over-eagerness and recklessness.{{book ref|sky1|15}}{{book ref|sky1|28}} She does not like flying in loops, and keeps trying to name flight moves after herself.{{book ref|sky1|28}}
Prior to joining flight school, Hurl was in the student [[digball]] team, in the position of carrier.{{book ref|sky1|23}} She was highly talented and known as one of the best in the league.{{book ref|sky1|23}} She finds flying gives her a similar, though larger, adrenaline rush than sports.{{book ref|sky1|31}} Although she enjoyed athletics, she finds that she misses her team more than she misses the game itself.{{book ref|sky1|31}}
== Notes ==
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