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m (added an update request to stormlight's one and only stub)
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|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
'''Sunraiser''' is the name given to the [[Shardblade]] held by King [[Elhokar]].{{book ref|twok|13}}
The blade was won by [[Dalinar Kholin]] after he defeated Highlord [[Kalanor]] in combat.{{book ref|sa3|26}} After the battle, Dalinar gifted the weapon to [[Gavilar]] who eventually passed the sword onto his son.
| Elhokar stood tall, his narrow Shardblade glittering as he called commands.
| It was long and thin with a large crossguard, and was etched up the sides with the ten fundamental glyphs.
| [[Adolin]]{{book ref|twoksa3|1383}}
'''Sunraiser''' is the name given to the [[Shardblade]] held by King [[Elhokar]].{{book ref|twoksa1|13}}
== Appearance ==
Sunraiser is a long sword with a thin blade and a large crossguard. Running down its sides are the ten fundamental [[glyph]]s, representing the ten orders of [[Knights Radiant]].{{book ref|sa1|13}} Though hefty, it's light enough to be held in one hand even by a person without [[Shardplate]].{{book ref|sa3|83}} However, it's more suited to two-handed wielding, and has a particularly long [[wikipedia:ricasso|ricasso]] that lends itself to half-swording.{{wob ref|13259}}
== History ==
Like all dead Shardblades, Sunraiser was once a [[spren]] that became stuck in its current form at the [[Recreance]].{{book ref|sa2|88}} Its fate afterwards is mostly unknown, but by the time of [[Dalinar]] and [[Gavilar Kholin]]s' conquest of [[Alethkar]], it found its way into the hands of Highlord [[Kalanor]]. Dalinar defeated Kalanor and gifted the Blade to Gavilar, insisting that the latter save it for his children.{{book ref|sa3|26}}
Eventually, [[Elhokar]] came to carry the weapon.{{book ref|sa1|13}} During the [[War of Reckoning]], it was one of the two King's Blades, alongside Gavilar's [[Firestorm]], and all non-Shardbearer [[lighteyes]] could borrow it for duels and training.{{book ref|sa2|56}} Later, early on in the [[True Desolation]], Elhokar took it with him to the besieged [[Kholinar]].{{book ref|sa3|83}} As Elhokar died there, it's likely that Sunraiser was found and picked up by one of the [[Fused]] or their servants.
== Trivia ==
* Sunraiser is one of three Shardblades so far to have gotten a canonical depiction in the books, alongside [[Mayalaran]] and [[Firestorm]].{{file ref|Shardplate.jpeg|Shardplate Sketches}}
* Brandon deliberately wanted Sunraiser's design to be traditional and simple compared to other Shardblades.{{wob ref|13259}}
* While it is significant that there are ten Radiant glyphs etched into it, Sunraiser was not a [[Bondsmith]] Shardblade.{{wob ref|3311}}
== Notes ==
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