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{{quote|There are two metals for every power. One Pushes, one Pulls--the second is usually an alloy of the first. For emotions--the external mental powers--you Pull with [[zinc]] and Push with [[brass]]. You just used pewter to Push your body. That's one of the internal physical powers.|[[Kelsier]] to [[Vin]].{{book ref|mb1|7}}}}
There are sixteen basic Allomantic metals (though, despite being called "Allomantic" metals, these same metals are shared in all three Metallic Arts). The metals come in pairs: one metal is a pure metal, and it is paired with an alloy (a mixture) of that base metal. These pairs have complementary effects. [[Iron]] Pulls on nearby metals, while [[steel]] (an alloy of iron) Pushes on metals. Similarly, each unalloyed metal is classified as a "Pulling" ability, whereas each alloy is classified as a "Pushing" ability.{{annotation ref|mb1|chapter=38-1}} The purity of the metals is important. The more pure a metal, the more effective they are. Alloys require precise metal percentages for maximum power. If an Allomancer burns a metal or an alloy that is impure, they can get sick, and even more severe effects happen if an Allomancer attempts to burn a metal that is not one of the sixteen.{{book ref|mb1|7}} If an Allomancer tries to burn a metal that is not one of the sixteen, the metal will not burn.{{wob ref|13503}}
{{quote|Never try to burn a metal that isn't one of the ten. I warned you that impure metals and alloys can make you sick. Well, if you try to burn a metal that isn't Allomantically sound at all, it could be deadly.|[[Kelsier]] to [[Vin]]{{book ref|mb1|7}} (note that more metals were discovered after Kelsier's time)}}


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