Diferencia entre revisiones de «J.C.»

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'''J.C.''' is one of [[Stephen Leeds]]' [[aspect]]s.
He is large, square faced, master gunman{{book ref|legion|1}}, an ex-Navy Seal{{book ref|legion|6}}. He knows a lot about guns, and always has one on his person, and finds it easy to recognise the gun type any person pulls on them. He enjoys using said guns, and apparently Stephen's mansion has a firing range, probably for this very purpose. Despite this, he often fires them at targets indoors, and he will also fire them at the ceiling to quiet a room. He claims to have subscriptions for all gun magazines as well.
He has a hard time accepting that he is a hallucination, and hates being reminded of the fact. Then, [[Arnaud]] comes up with a theory, explaining to J.C. that, since the universe and time is infinite, it is probable that somewhere, sometime, all the aspects were once 'real' people. J.C. takes this to mean he is actually an Interdimensional Time Ranger, and in [[Legion: Skin Deep]] he uses this fact to say odd swear-words, claiming they're 'future swear-words.' This seems to stop when [[Audrey]] asks him whether they have flying cars in the future.
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