Diferencia entre revisiones de «Silimática»

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; [[Alivener's glass]]: create [[Alivened]]
; Builder's Glass
; Communicator's Glass: When broken in half, allows communication between the two pieces for 20 days. Usually, both halves must be activated in order to allow for communication.{{ref|text=This rule does not seem to apply to Alcatraz}}{{book ref|a5|1}}. In extreme cases this glass can communicate one way with ordinary glass. {{book ref|a5|1}}
; Defender's Glass: Essentially protects structures inside it. Extremely strong.
; Detonator's Glass : Explodes. Can be set to go off within a certain area. {{book ref|a3|3}}
; Grappler's Glass : Clings to other surfaces, influencing gravity--used on the bottoms of boots to enable people to walk up surfaces. It supports the whole body instead of only fixing the foot in place. Often used by Alcatraz to walk on Silimatic vehicles such as the ''[[Hawkwind]]'' and ''[[Dragonaut]]''
; Inhibitor's Glass : Stops those touching it from using Silimatic technology or Smedry Talents,
; Illuminator's Glass: The fan given title of the glass used to illuminate the trunk of clothes alcatraz was trying on. {{book ref|a5|1}}
; Messenger's Glass
; Orientation Glass : Influences the direction of gravity. Used inside vehicles that might get up-side-down.
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