Diferencia entre revisiones de «Kar»

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|books=[[Mistborn Era 1]]
}}{{for|Kar (Taldain)|the Kelzi on Dayside}}
'''Kar''' is a [[Steel Inquisitor]] from the [[Final Empire]]. He is one of the most prominent inquisitorsInquisitors in the [[Steel Ministry]].
After capturing [[Vin]] in [[Kredik Shaw]], Kar is able to use her existence to finally convince the [[Lord Ruler]] to place the inquisitorsInquisitors in charge of the ministry instead of the [[obligator]]s.{{book ref|mb1|36}} He then takes her to back to her cell for later questioning and threatens to torture [[Sazed]], who they captured after Vin.{{book ref|mb1|37}}
After the Lord Ruler hands over the ministry to Kar, Vin attacks the throne room and then gets recaptured by Kar. Then [[Marsh]] appears and removes Kar's [[Hemalurgic]] linchpin spike, killing him.{{book ref|mb1|38}}