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'''Snapping''' is the process in which someone gains the powers of [[Allomancy]] on [[Scadrial]].
Snapping commonly occurs when a mistingMisting or mistbornMistborn undergoes heavy stress and pain, often in a near death situation, causing them to trigger latent allomanticAllomantic abilities.
Children of confirmed noble bloodlines often underwent a planned beating as a test to see if they snapped. Later, however, the mists caused sickness in people, triggering their own snapping, this process was started by Preservation, but was manipulated by Ruin in to killing people, thus raising superstitions about the mists being dangerous.
The length a person has "mist sickness" relates to their allomanticAllomantic powers and abilities.
After the [[Final Ascension]], [[Harmony]] was disturbed by the process of Snapping and altered the way it operated, but it is not clear how Snapping works now.{{cite}}
== Notes ==
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