Diferencia entre revisiones de «Heraldo»

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=== Surgebinding ===
Each Heralds wields an [[Honorblade]], a sword similar in function to a [[Shardblade]], albeit far more powerful.{{book ref|sa|part=prelude}} Honorblades can be bonded with like regular Shardblades, and are similarly sharp, but unlike Shardblades, they allow their wielders to utilize two [[Surge]]s each. As such, while wielding their Blades, each of the Heralds is a [[Surgebinder]].{{book ref|sa3|16}} AsWhile such,they each Heraldhave hadan accessHonorblade assigned to twothem, Surges.in the Occassionallypast, they would occassionally swap their Honorblades between each other, allowing them to use otherthe Surges for someof timeothers.{{wob ref|3564}}
[[Spren]] would later copy the Heralds' [[Surgebinding]], thus creating the [[Knights Radiant]], with each order matching the powers of one of the Heralds.{{book ref|sa2|87}} The Radiants have some powers that the Heralds lack -- for example, the Heralds did not have [[squire]]s.{{wob ref|3958}} However, unlike the Knights, the Heralds were powered directly by [[Honor]], and had access to raw levels of powerInvestiture that no Radiant could possibly match.{{wob ref|1572}}{{wob ref|10331}} Additionally, they didn't need to draw Stormlight from gems, which implies they could've drawnget it directly from their bond with Honor.{{wob ref|2549}}
=== Other ===
Editors, Keepers
