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|related= [[Alethkar]]
The King's Boon is granted to a [[Lighteyes]] who has preformed an impressive feat before the King of [[Alethkar]]. This is occasionally done after a very impressive duel. The limit of what can be granted is unknown however it has been used in recent history to force a political opponent into a duel to the death.
|type= Tradition
|world= Roshar
|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
| I offer you a boon. Name what you wish of me or of this court. It shall be yours.
| King Elhokar to Adolin{{book ref|sa2|57}}
On [[Roshar]], the '''King's Boon''' is a privilege that can be granted to a [[lighteyes]] who has preformed an impressive feat before the King of [[Alethkar]], such as winning an impressive duel.{{book ref|sa2|55}} The limit of what the Boon can grant is unknown, though it must, presumably, adhere to the existing laws and traditions, meaning that a [[darkeyes]] cannot demand it, or use it to attack a lighteyes.{{book ref|sa2|58}} If the boon includes the king's subject, that person must obey it as well.{{book ref|sa2|57}}
== Known UsesHistory ==
The origins of King's Boon are uncertain. It's possible it might've come from the times of the [[Sunmaker]], the last person to unite the entirety of Alethkar.{{book ref|sa1|24}}
* [[Torol Sadeas]] used it to force [[Highprince]] [[Yenev]], who opposed [[Gavilar Kholin]], to a dual to the death allowing them to replace that [[Highprince]] with one that was willing to be cooperative.{{book ref|sa2|55}}
* [[Adolin Kholin]] attempted to use the king's boon to force [[Torol Sadeas]] into a duel however [[Torol Sadeas]] escaped while the [[Elhokar Kholin|King Elhokar]] had [[Kaladin]] arrested.{{book ref|sa2|57}}
* [[Kaladin]] After coming to [[Adolin Kholin|Adolin's]] rescue asked for a duel with [[Amaram]], because [[Kaladin]] was a darkeyes the king had him arrested for slander.{{book ref|sa2|57}}
Much like the [[Right of Challenge]], King's Boon is a tradition that, while well-known to the Alethi lighteyes, has fallen to the wayside in the recent centuries. It has only been revived by king [[Gavilar Kholin]] when he sought to rid himself of a rebellious [[highprince]], [[Yenev]]. To get it, [[Torol Sadeas]] duelled an unknown man with the purpose of awing the crowd. Upon his victory, Gavilar offered him a boon, which Sadeas used to challenge Yenev to a duel to the death, killing him and paving the way for [[Aladar]] to replace him.{{book ref|sa2|55}}
== History ==
In the weeks preceding the [[Battle of Narak]], [[House Kholin]] sought to entrap Sadeas in a similar way. Following his victory in a four-on-one duel, [[Adolin Kholin]] was granted the Boon by king [[Elhokar]], and used it to to demand the Right of Challenge from Sadeas. However, at the same time [[Kaladin]], demanded a Boon as well for coming to Adolin's rescue. When it turned out he wanted to challenge [[Amaram]], he was arrested for slander, and Sadeas managed to weasel out of his own duel in the ensuing chaos.{{book ref|sa2|57}}{{book ref|sa2|58}}
Presumably the custom of the king's boon comes from the [[Sunmaker]]'s Reign as all [[Highprince]]s supposedly descended from his line and he was the only other person to unite [[Alethkar]] since the fall of the [[Silver Kingdoms]] besides [[Gavilar Kholin]].{{cite}}
== Notes ==
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