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== Other uses ==
The fibres that lavis produces can be used for rudimentary clothing, as seen in [[Dalinar's Visionsvisions#The Lake Fortress|Dalinar's Lake Fortress vision]].{{book ref|sa1|38}}
== Economy ==
Lavis grain is the basis of the economy in many small towns like [[Hearthstone]].{{book ref|sa1|16}}{{book ref|sa2|5}} [[Sebarial]] considers it a lucrative enough crop to include as an important part of the economy he builds in his warcamp on the [[Shattered Plains]].{{book ref|sa2|40}} The [[Akanny]] region of [[Sadeas princedom]] in which Hearthstone lies is especially fertile for growing both lavis &and [[talewtallew]], potentially feeding half of [[AlethakrAlethkar]] with their yield.{{book ref|sa3|10}}
Lavis grain typically goes through several merchant middle-men on its way from the farming communities to the cities. By the time people buy it in the city, it usually costs four to five times as much as the farmers sell it for.{{book ref|sa1|27}}
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