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Along with [[Steelheart (Epic)|Steelheart]] and [[Night's Sorrow]], he is among the most feared of Epics,{{book ref|Steelheart|12}} but unlike Steelheart he is currently not a tyrant. Five years after the rise of Calamity, he conquered his fear and was thus able to free himself of his corruption{{cite}}, though this did not influence his morals - he remained a ruthless destroyer. While he ruled Houston at one point, he ultimately decided to melt the entire city, killing the entire town's population in the process{{book ref|Firefight|12}}. Since then, has made it his mission to kill ''everyone'' because he believes that he is one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, given divine power by the "archangel" Calamity to end humanity and its corruption.
== AbilitiesAttributes and Attributes Abilities==
=== Epic Abilities ===
; Heat Manipulation: Obliteration is capable of absorbing the heat out of any object he touches, including humans. There is no known upper limit to how much energy he can store, however storing an excessive amount of heat makes it difficult for him to teleport and retain the stored heat. He can absorb heat at an astonishing rate, causing a tree to frost over and wither in a mere eyeblink. At any time, he can unleash the absorbed heat or dissipate it harmlessly. There is no known limit as to how much concentrated energy he can unleash in a single burst, as he is capable of unleashing a heat wave massive enough to melt the entirety of Houston at once. Furthermore, storing an excessive amount of heat makes him bright on the look and hot to the touch, to the point where mere skin contact can cause severe burns. Obliteration has enough control over his powers to not melt objects he wants to keep intact, such as his sword and clothes.
; Teleportation: Obliteration can teleport, automatically taking inanimate objects and people he touches with him. His teleportation gets described as his body bursting outwards in a flash of light, similar to a ceramic figure bursting into ceramic shards. He can only teleport to places he can visualize (either from seeing the locations in person or viewing a sufficiently detailed photo). According to David's notes, Obliteration is unable to reappear (and is thus invulnerable but also unable to do anything) for several minutes after teleporting, however during [[Firefight]] he no longer seems to have this limitation.
; Danger Sense: (tied to his teleportation) Should something happen that would hurt Obliteration he automatically teleports away. The danger sense works reactively, meaning that it triggers after action has been taken, for example the trigger of a gun has been pulled, and only then when the action would actually hurt Obliteration.


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