Diferencia entre revisiones de «Caballeros Radiantes»

bit too much speculation in previous wording
(bit too much speculation in previous wording)
;[[Order of Bondsmiths]]
:The tenth Order of the Knights Radiant. Bondsmiths bonded with Godspren,unique ofspren whichincluding therethe are only three[[Stormfather]], which gave them the ability to bind the [[Surgebinding|Surges]] of Tension and Adhesion. Bondsmiths are associated with the heliodor polestone, the essence of Sinew and the Herald Ishar.
The Knights Radiant also used [[Shardblade]]s and [[Shardplate]], which were etched with glyphs and glowed a different color according to the Order they were a part of. Not all Radiants have access to Shards and many Orders don't receive them until they have sworn the higher Ideals.
Editors, Keepers
