Diferencia entre revisiones de «Orden de los Vigilantes de la Verdad»

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The Truthwatchers use the Surges of '''Progression''' and '''Illumination'''.
'''Progression''' was used by Ym to heal a small boy's foot of an infection{{book ref|sa2|i|2}}, and by Lift (an [[Order of Edgedancers|Edgedancer]]) to revive and heal Gawx after his throat was slit.{{book ref|sa2|i|9}} Lift also used it to cause seeds to grow suddenly into plants. Renarin uses Progression to heal Adolin’s broken wrist. He also uses it to heal those who were injured when the Midnight Mother attacks Adolin and Bridge Four. The [[Stump]] also unknowingly uses to heal people who come under her care. It is described in the [[Ars Arcanum]] at the end of ''[[Words of Radiance]]'' as "The Surge of Growth and Healing, or Regrowth".
'''Illumination''' is used by [[Shallan Davar]] member of the [[Order of Lightweavers]] to craft illusions by weaving light, sound and various waveforms. She uses this to disguise herself (often as Veil, though sometimes as others), make herself appear cleaner, older and more attractive, to create illusions of walls and rocks to hide behind and in, and to create an illusion of herself (getting the Ghostblood's orders and as a distraction for the chasmfiend). Truthwatchers may be able to perform similar feats.


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