Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:Thurin/Luthadel»

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(up to book 1 ch 24)
(up to book 1 ch 25)
Allomantic road between Luthadel and Fellise. Consisted of bars of metal (bronze) that were stuck in the ground, Mistborn could use them to Push and Pull in the air. Made the trip twice as fast as a man on horseback. Fellise a short distance south of Luthadel.{{book ref|mb1|13}} <br>
In six months one could travel from one border of the Final Empire to the other. Because Luthadel lies in the middle of the Final Empire, each place in the empire can be reached within three months.{{book ref|mb1|18}} <br>
At least two days riding to Valtroux. Two week trip to Arguois caverns/Holstep by canal, sixteen hours running with pewter. To the north.{{book ref|mb1|25}} <br>
TO DO: include information form TFE map.
=== Climate ===
A lot of shops at Kenton Street, also/especially for Nobles.{{book ref|mb1|17}} <br>
Sootwarrens slum. Every few decades or so, new sections were added, and the city wall expanded due to the effort of skaa labor, thanks to canals stone was cheap.{{book ref|mb1|19}} <br>
Steel gate is main city gate (actually multiple gates).{{book ref|mb1|24}} <br>
(The Twists: one of the most impoverished skaa slums.{{book ref|mb1|27}})
Blackened city, scorched by soot and red sunlight, hard, distinct, oppressive. At night Mist made everything obscure. Metal chimneys.{{book ref|mb1|5}} <br>
Only a few buildings, like Clubs's shop, had a flat roof, because flat roof meant having to shovel ash off occasionally.{{book ref|mb1|10}} <br>
Luthadel had sewage.sewers{{book ref|mb1|13}} <br>
== Landmarks ==
//Notes: <br>
As tension between Great Houses grew, Inquisitors hit more skaa thieving crews than usual, and killed more often instead of capturing them and executing them later.{{book ref|mb1|23}} <br>
State of upcoming house war. Skaa army attacked. Luthadel Garrison left the city.{{book ref|mb1|24}} <br>
Only two thousand of seven thousand skaa soldiers left.{{book ref|mb1|25}} <br>
''Aftermath of battle.''{{book ref|mb1|26}} <br>
=== Collapse (1022 FE) ===


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