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m (added link to storage cavern article)
'''Fadrex City''' is a major trade hub in the [[Western Dominance]] of the [[Final Empire]], several month's journey from [[Urteau]].{{book ref|mb2|3}} It is located near [[Chardees]].{{book ref|mb3|5}}
The city's natural rock formations make it much more defensible than the larger western city [[Tremredare]]. It contains one of the [[Lord Ruler]]'s supply[[storage cachescache]]s.{{book ref|mb3|5}}
After the [[Collapse]], [[Ashweather Cett]] makes the city his capital. He takes all of the known [[allomancer]]s with him when he marches against [[Luthadel]], taking mostly from houses Gardre and Conrad.{{book ref|mb2|3}} During the [[Siege of Luthadel]] the [[Obligator]] [[Aradan Yomen]] rises to power. He reimposes the social structures of the [[Final Empire]], throwing balls for the [[noble|nobility]].


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