
Se unió el 15 abr 2019
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== Notes ==
<references />
'''Ironsides Work'''
Admiral '''Judy Ivans''' (Callsign: '''Ironsides''') is the leader of the [[DDF]].{{book ref|Skyward|5}} She is a [[First Citizen]], and fought in the [[Battle of Alta]]. She is notable for initially not allowing [[Spensa]] to train in the Battle School{{cite}}. She strongly believes that the brain condition that seems to cause [[Cytonics|Cytonic]] ability should prevent people from joining the DDF.{{cite}}
== Notes ==
<references /><!--
; Ivans: 5,33,40,49,52, I-1, I-2, I-3
; Ironsides: prologue, 2,4,5,6,9,11,17-19,21,22,24,27,29,30,35,39,40,43,44,47-52,54, epilogue
[[category: viewpoint characters]]