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=== Climate ===
//ash, mist and 'normal' climate <br>
Luthadel is located relatively close to most of the [[Ashmounts]].{{map ref|Final Empire}} To prevent the city being buried, skaa workers gather the ash and throw it in the [[River Channerel]]. Luthadel's soil contains lots of minerals and metal traces that can be burned when ingested via ground water.{{book ref|mb1|2}}({{book ref|mb1|7}}) <br>
Even Noblemen and thieves reluctant about entering Mists.(culture section maybe?) Ambient starlight diffused by Mists was enough to see most times. Normal plants were brown.{{book ref|mb1|5}} <br>
//keep venture, keep hasting, keep erikeller, keep lekal <br>
About a dozen monolithic keeps spread throughout Luthadel. They have spearlike spires or deep archways. Most open grounds in Luthadel are around these keeps.{{book ref|mb1|2}} <br>
Ghostly, looming silhouettes at night. Keep Venture: defensive wall with normal armed guards, more artistic than fortification, sturdy buttressings, spires, stained-glass windows, bronze or copper sheeting on roof.{{book ref|mb1|5}} <br>
=== Square of the Survivor ===
Each family that could afford a keep in Luthadel was considered a Great House.{{book ref|mb1|2}} <br>
House Venture was on top for last few years. High Nobles, contradictory to everyone else, could afford candles and lamp oil, therefore stay up late at night. Most Great Houses held hazekillers. Some nobles cultivated plants indoors, those were white or ruddy or even slightly yellow instead of usual brown.{{book ref|mb1|5}} <br>
A major house war happens every couple of centuries, hadn't been one for a long time before the Collapse. Nobles have an unspoken rule: won't use Mistborn to assassinate each other.{{book ref|mb1|6}} <br>
Mistborn were so rare that nobles couldn't afford gender prejudices to them.{{book ref|mb1|7}} <br>
=== Middle class ===
2 types of crews: regular ones like Camon's and Theron's (crumbs), and special crews that used Allomancers (extremely skillful, foolhardy and talented). Didn't mix, but Misting crews sometimes hired regular crews for mundane work and choose a representative (twixt). Allomancer crews were often small and specialized and worked together. Larger portion of underground: thieves, crews whores and beggars; other side: rebels.{{book ref|mb1|4}} <br>
Kelsier was already most infamous crewleader, a legend, in Luthadel before Hathsin. Robbed from wealthiest Great Houses and brought them to their knees. Had to overcome fear of Mists to get somewhere in the underworld. Mistcloak warns city guard and other Mistborn to not bother you.{{book ref|mb1|5}} <br>
Nearly all Mistborn are members of Great Houses, or else minor nobles, only very few half-skaa.{{book ref|mb1|7}} <br>
== Politics ==
Trade and transport to and from Luthadel often happened using canal boats.{{book ref|mb1|1}} <br>
Main export product is metal, hundreds of forges and refineries in Luthadel, even though the [[River Channerel]] provides excellent opportunity to mills for grinding grains and making textiles. Bells chime when skaa must get to work in the morning.{{book ref|mb1|2}} <br>
Money currency: boxings{{book ref|mb1|3}}, clip smallest coin{{book ref|mb1|7}}. <br>
Lord Ruler is dependent upon atium sale for keeping up his army.{{book ref|mb1|4}}


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