Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:Thurin/Luthadel»

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=== Climate ===
//ash, mist and 'normal' climate <br>
Luthadel is located relatively close to most of the [[Ashmounts]].{{map ref|Final Empire}} To prevent the city being buried, skaa workers gather the ash and throw it in the [[River Channerel]]. Luthadel's soil contains lots of minerals and metal traces that can be burned when ingested via ground water.{{book ref|mb1|2}} <br>
=== Layout ===
=== Keeps ===
//keep venture, keep hasting, keep erikeller, keep lekal <br>
About a dozen monolithic keeps spread throughout Luthadel. They have spearlike spires or deep archways. Most open grounds in Luthadel are around these keeps.{{book ref|mb1|2}} <br>
=== Square of the Survivor ===
=== Middle class ===
Most Nobles weren't rich enough to be considered part of a Great House. Being Noble is about lineage, not money.{{book ref|mb1|2}} <br>
=== Skaa ===
Urban skaa seemed to work less hard than rural skaa.{{book ref|mb1|prologue}} <br>
Skaa often worked in forges or mills.{{book ref|mb1|2}}
=== Underground ===
''To do: include mbReen's ch 1sayings'' <br>
Thieve crew's lairs weren't supposed to exist, often in basements beneath buildings, with the cover of a shop or warehouse.{{book ref|mb1|1}} <br>
Stealing from Steel Ministry only done when desperate.{{book ref|mb1|2}} <br>
== Politics ==
{{for|Steel Ministry}}
//soothing stations <br>
Canton of inquisition has the most threatening reputation, followed by Canton of Orthodoxy, then Canton of Finance and Canton of Resource. Acolytes trained in the north, and got final instructions in Luthadel, secretly taking atium with them{{expand}}{{cite}}. Obligators are trained to recognize emotional allomancy.{{book ref|mb1|2}} <br>
=== During the New Empire ===
=== Economy ===
//atium <br>
Trade and transport to and from Luthadel often happened using canal boats.{{book ref|mb1|1}} <br>
Main export product is metal, hundreds of forges and refineries in Luthadel, even though the [[River Channerel]] provides excellent opportunity to mills for grinding grains and making textiles. Bells chime when skaa must get to work in the morning.{{book ref|mb1|2}} <br>


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