Diferencia entre revisiones de «Elendel»

45 bytes añadidos ,  hace 4 años
→‎History: Grammar and word-choice adjustments
m (Clarifying and simplifying a sentence in the intro)
m (→‎History: Grammar and word-choice adjustments)
== History ==
Immediately after the Catacendre, Spook tookbecame the controlleader of the entire known population of humanity as they started building the city of Elendel. He became known as the Lord Mistborn. We know that someSome version of the Senate was initiated during his rule, and official records state that after a century of leadership, one day he simply left.
Since then, the current system of three-branch government settled into its current state.
Around the year 342, civil unrest was growing in the city (aided, it turned out, by factions looking to destabilize the government.). Governor Innate declared martial law and appointed a Lord High Constable, Aradel, who was one of the chief constables. At the culmination of the riots, during a political speech by the Governor that was completely failing to defuse the situation, Aradel used his authority to arrest Governor Innate on charges of corruption, and deputized the angry mob to help him go around the city arresting suspected co-conspirators. Though Innate hanged himself in his cell before he could face charges for his alleged crimes, many powerful nobles were found guilty. The population appeared to accept this as proof that the government was changing, and the Senate elected Aradel to be the new Governor, notably the first one ever without any noble lineage.
Within a few years, Elendel found itself needing to defuse a possible civil war with surrounding cities which accused Elendel's government of unfair taxation to maintain its authority. While this was happening, the Basin learned of the existence of the Southern Scadrians. Formal first contact with them was conducted by Governor Aradel. As yet, it is unclear what impact this will have, either on Elendel's power in the region, or on the animosity the outer cities feel towards Elendel.
