Diferencia entre revisiones de «Elendel»

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==== The Constabulary ====
Primary (and possibly all) law enforcement within Elendel is the Constabulary. Each Octant is headed by a Constable-General, though each reports directly to the Governor. The Governor had the authority to appoint Aradel as "lord high constable", a position which it seemedseems he invented on the spot, as neither the Constable-General, one of his best lieutenants, or his aide had ever heard of before. They even wondered aloud whether or not the "lord" in the title conveyed peerage, though the Governor lacks the authority to appoint someone to the nobility. The lord high constable was given authority over the other seven Constable-Generals, and did not seem to give up his position as Constable-General of his own octant.
There seems to be roughly six hundred constables per octant.
=== Foreign Policy ===
The lands of the Basin and the Roughs appear to operate as an Elendel Hegemony. The main city contains roughly half the population of the known world, and in size dwarfs even the largest other cities. The canals lead exclusively to and from Elendel, so all trade by water must be either to or through Elendel, or to one of the few cities along youra ownsingle canal. The railroads have historically followed canals, so most train freight must also go through the capital city. Elendel imposes tarrifstariffs on all shipped goods, which results in the Houses and businesses in Elendel being the only ones with the funds to maintain and build railroads, which in turn means they get to keep all goods flowing through them. Actual laws passed by Elendel don't appear to have effect outside the city, and a constable's credentials appear to have less weight, but Elendel appears to rule the basin through finance.
As first contact with a foreign nation was just established, it's unknown what the Basin's broader foreign policy is going to end up being. The very first meeting happened to include a Senator, but the first official meeting seemed only to involve the Governor in any official capacity. A rough trade agreement has been hammered out, partially in the hopes of defusing potential hostilities.