Diferencia entre revisiones de «Duladel»

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m (annotation ref to wob ref)
m (Arelish --> Arelene)
=== Occupation by the Fjordell Empire ===
About six months prior to the restoration of Elantris, the Duladel Republic collapsed. During a chaotic period a contingent of Derethi priests, led by the gyorn [[Hrathen]], fomented a revolution.{{book ref|Elantris|6}} The Duladel Revolution was described as being even more violent than the ArelishArelene Revolution following the Fall of Elantris; the Republican Class was killed in its entirety. A monarchy was then instituted and [[Shu-Dereth]] replaced [[Jesker]] as the state religion. The collapse of Duladel prompted the engagement of Prince [[Raoden]] of Arelon to Princess [[Sarene]] of [[Teod]]; their marriage would signify unity between the two remaining non-Derethi nations south of the [[Rose Empire]].{{book ref|Elantris|16}}
== Language ==