Diferencia entre revisiones de «Drile»

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m (Correct link to disambig)
(expanded history section with all info from volume 1 and made other minor changes. Volume 2 and 3 next)
|books=[[White Sand]]
'''Drile''' is a [[Lossand]]in [[sand mastery|sand master]] on the [[Dayside]] of [[Taldain]]. Previously holding the highest rank of mastrell, he was the first sand master in history to be demoted, to the middle rank of diemfen. He is one of the few sand masters to survive the [[Kerztian]] surprise attack that nearly wiped out the entire Diem.
== Appearance and Personality ==
Drile is a young man about the same age as [[Kenton]]. He has half a head of brown hair, withand keeps the other half shaved bald.
Drile is a brash, impulsive young man who does not care for following rules. He is described by many as arrogant and overbearing.
== History ==
Drile was a powerful sand master atfrom a young age,. impressingHe theimpressed [[Lord Mastrell]] in[[Praxton]] with his showing during his test to become an acolent. He was viewed as a profitable recruit because of both his ability and his [[Reenst Rile|father's]] prominence.{{book ref|ws1|1}}
Sometime after being raised to the rank of mastrell, Drile was unadvanced to the rank of diemfen in the wake of reports that he made plans to offer up his sand mastery, along with a group of other sand masters following his orders, had made plans to offer up his sand mastery in exchange for payment. Drile iswas the first sand master in the history of the Diem to have been unadvanced.{{book ref|ws1|2}}
Shortly before the attack on the [[Diem]], Drile refused to sharedrink in drinkingfrom the poisoned{{book ref|ws3|6}} ceremonial bowl of water that [[Elorin]] gave to all of the sand masters.{{book ref|ws1|2}} This action, along with his survival, led [[Kenton]] to believe that Drile was somehow behind the attack that left most of the Diem dead.{{book ref|ws1|3}}
Following the attack, he made his way to [[Kezare]] and petitionedtried to petition the [[Taishin]] to be granted the rank of Lord Mastrell, believing himself to be the highest ranking sand master still alive, but instead the Taishin wanted to disband the Diem.{{book ref|ws1|4}} AfterKenton arrived, interrupting the meeting. Kenton forced the Taishin to not disband the Diem immediately, was made acting Lord Mastrell, theand twowas mengiven clashedtwo outsideweeks ofto secure the Diem's future. Afterwards Drile lostcongratulated thehim fightfor andwhat washe kickedhad out of the Diemdone.{{book ref|ws1|5}}
Later, when Kenton arrived back at the Diem he found Drile distributing rooms in the Diem to his most loyal followers. Kenton confronted him, saying that he did not have the right to make a decision like this. Drile snarled that Kenton had no power over him, and used his sand to propel himself up to the mastrells' chambers. Kenton, to the astonishment of the watching crowd of sand masters, used his own sand to follow Drile. Kenton tried to kick Drile out of his father's chambers, Drile refused, and instead accused Kenton of betraying the Diem to the Kerztians.{{book ref|ws1|5}} Drile pushed Kenton off the ledge, but Kenton used his sand to catch himself and come back up. He then attacked and overpowered Drile. He commanded Drile to stay out of his father's rooms, and to take off the golden mastrell's sash he had been wearing, threatening to report him to the Taishin if he disobeyed.{{book ref|ws1|6}}
The next day, he and a few followers returned to the Diem with black belts in place of sashes.{{book ref|ws1|6}}
The next day, he and a few of his followers returned to the Diem withwearing black belts inover place oftheir sashes.{{book ref|ws1|6}}
== Attributes and Abilities ==
=== Sand mastery ===
Drile is an incredibly powerful [[sand mastery|sand master]]. As a child, he impressed the mastrells overseeing his entrance exam into the Diem, displaying power seen only once or twice in a generation.{{book ref|ws1|1}} He is considered the only man powerful enough to possibly challenge Lord Mastrell [[Praxton]] for leadership.{{book ref|ws1|2}} Drile can control up to twenty-five ribbons of sand at once.{{book ref|ws2|4}}
== Notes ==