Diferencia entre revisiones de «Dragonsteel Prime»

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Brandon has stated that it was not his best work.{{wob ref|6453}} He plans to rewrite and publish the series after the completion of [[The Stormlight Archive]].{{bws ref|another-long-and-rambling-post-on-future-books|Another Long and Rambling Post™ on Future Books|date=2010-10-12}} Sections of the book, including locations such as the [[Shattered Plains]] were later re-purposed in [[The Way of Kings]], but Brandon considers some of the other events to be canon.{{wob ref|8838}} He had some trepidation over removing the Shattered Plains because, though it was not as essential to the story, he felt it was the part of the book that worked best.{{wob ref|4650}}
In 2007, Brandon began work on a rewrite of the Dragonsteel series. He began with [[The Liar of Partinel]] and [[The Lightweaver of Rens]], werewhich latertake plannedplace asapproximately prequelsfive tohundred years before the mainevents of Dragonsteel story arcPrime, occuringwhich severalhe hundredthen yearsplanned earlierto rewrite and release as 'The Eternal War'.{{wob Brandonref|7825}} hasHowever, indicatedafter thatfinishing whenLiar he was unsatisfied with the result and shelved the series for a reworkedfuture Dragonsteeldate. PrimeSince is'The publishedEternal War' would begin the main story arc, at the time he willalso likelyintended to call itthat book 'Dragonsteel: Book 1' and expect the readers to connect it to the previous two books to avoid the confusion of starting his story arc with 'Dragonsteel: Book 3'.{{wob ref|6096}} The story takes place on [[Yolen]] and focuses on [[Jerick]], but also includes other viewpoint characters such as Topaz, also known as [[Hoid]].
== Notes ==
