Diferencia entre revisiones de «Dominio»

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(holder -> vessel)
(Removed speculation now known to be false and added information)
'''Dominion''' is a [[Shard|Shard of Adonalsium]]. The original [[Vessel]] of Dominion was [[Skai]].{{wob ref|9990}}{{wob Theref|783}} originalAfter Vesselthe of[[Shattering]], Dominionit wastraveled to [[SkaiSel]] with [[Devotion]], where both shards were [[Splinter]]ed by [[Odium]].{{epigraph ref|wok|22}}{{au ref|Sel}}
== Intent ==
Since Dominion was Splintered well before any other known events on Sel,{{wob ref|5021}} it is somewhat unclear exactly how the Shard's intent would drive its Vessel to act. Based on the name, however, Dominion's Vessel would likely encourage people to seek power. The [[skaze]], which are Splinters of Dominion, are "thirsty for power" as a result of their relationship with the Shard;{{wob ref|6167}} that relationship is also likely responsible for driving them to maintain influence over the politics of [[Fjordell]].{{wob ref|4641}}
Dominion. This is why on [[Sel]], people from different lands have different forms of [[investiture]]. People from [[MaiPon]] can [[forge]], and people from [[Elantris]] can use [[AonDor|Aons]]. They have 'dominion' over different lands.
== Associated magicMagic ==
Unknown. It has however, been confirmed by Brandon that the [[seon]]s are splinters of [[Devotion]] created by that shard's [[splinter|splintering]] at the hands of [[Odium]], it is logical to assume the [[skaze]] have the same relationship to Dominion. {{wob ref|5540}}
When Odium Splintered Devotion and Dominion, he trapped their power in the [[Cognitive Realm]] to prevent them from gaining another Vessel. Since, unlike in the [[Spiritual Realm]], space is limited in the Cognitive Realm, the power of the two Shards is trapped together as a giant, polarized, storm of Investiture, known as the [[Dor]], which makes the Cognitive Realm around Sel very dangerous.{{wob ref|2546}}{{au ref|Sel}} This has a profound effect on the magic systems on Sel, in two main ways. First, since the powers are trapped together, all magic systems are influenced in some way by both Shards.{{wob ref|9830}} Second, and perhaps more importantly, because location exists in the Cognitive Realm, magic is tied to the user's physical location.{{wob ref|1625}}{{au ref|Sel}} This is seen most dramatically with [[AonDor]], as the strength of Aons diminishes as one gets farther from [[Elantris]].{{book ref|Elantris|62}} Furthermore, in order to access a magic system, it appears one must be from the land associated with that magic system.{{wob ref|2173}} For likely the same reason, shapes used in accessing magic on Sel are often tied to the lands associated with that magic.{{book ref|Elantris|49}}{{tes ref|30}}
The skaze are Splinters of Dominion,{{wob ref|5540}}{{wob ref|4547}} and have at least some sense that they came from something larger and how they were created, which causes them to consider Dominion as something of a god or parent.{{wob ref|3024}}
== Lore ==
Since Dominion was Splintered so long ago, very little is known about it. Since the Shards had a general agreement to part after the Shattering,{{epigraph ref|ob|39}} it seems likely that Skai had some sort of relationship with [[Aona]], the Vessel of Devotion, as the two went to Sel together. The only confirmed references to Dominion and Skai are in the [[letters]] [[Hoid]] has been sending asking for help combating Odium, the responses he has received, and Khriss' essay on the Selish system.{{epigraph ref|wok|22}}{{epigraph ref|ob|37}}{{au ref|Sel}}
The only known mention of Skai is in [[The Letter]].
Before the events of [[Elantris]], Skai was killed by [[Odium]], and Dominion was [[Splinter]]ed.
== Associated magic ==
Unknown. It has however, been confirmed by Brandon that the [[seon]]s are splinters of [[Devotion]] created by that shard's [[splinter|splintering]] at the hands of [[Odium]], it is logical to assume the [[skaze]] have the same relationship to Dominion. {{wob ref|5540}}
Dominion and [[Devotion]] together make up the [[Dor]]. They did not work together, as [[Ruin]] and [[Preservation]] did, rather their Splintered remains merged in an unknown way and made the Dor. It is postulated that Dominion—meaning land, or country under control—is the reason only people of certain nationalities can access the Dor in certain ways.{{disputed}}{{wob ref|3920}} It is likely that being born in that country does not matter, it instead being related to feeling a devotion toward it. MaiPon people alone can use Forgery, and a map of MaiPon goes on the back of soulstamps. Only people of [[Aonic]] descent can be taken by the [[Shaod]], but only if they are in Arelon at the time. Aons contain maps of Arelon as well.
== Notes ==